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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Ess - overwriting recording
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Ess - overwriting recording? (Read 624 times)
Ess - overwriting recording?
Jun 21st, 2007, 12:49am

I'm fairly new to Ess so I'm hoping there's a simple solution to the following problem.

Basically, I'm filling an AudioInput buffer, then storing that audio data into an AudioChannel buffer of the same size. The problem is, when I attempt to record a second time, audioInputData() is not being called, leading me to believe that the recording engine is not cleared after stopping and starting the AudioInput. Is there a way to reset? Or is there an easier way to go about it? Feels like I'm missing a very basic concept. Thanks in advance!!

Here's the stripped-down code:

// mousePressed will begin recording
// keyPressed will play back recording from AudioChannel

import krister.Ess.*;

AudioInput myInput;
AudioChannel myChannel;

void setup() {
myInput=new AudioInput(200000);
myChannel = new AudioChannel();

void draw() {

void audioInputData(AudioInput theInput) {
println("audioInputData() called");

void saveSound(){
for(int i = 0; i < myInput.buffer.length;i++){
myChannel.samples[i] = myInput.buffer[i];
println("audio stored");

void audioChannelDone(AudioChannel ch) {
 println("audioChannelDone() called");

void mousePressed(){
println("start myInput");

void keyPressed() {
 println("play myChannel");

public void stop() {

Re: Ess - overwriting recording?
Reply #1 - Jun 22nd, 2007, 1:17am
my apologies, it was totally obvious after all. re-initializing myInput after it was stopped fixed the problem:

added this line...

myInput=new AudioInput(200000);

...to the end of keyPressed().


Re: Ess - overwriting recording?
Reply #2 - Jun 22nd, 2007, 9:01pm
ok, I have a new but related problem. When I attempt to record audio a second time (and every time after), there's a substantial lag time between calling myInput.start() and when the recording actually starts. I've also attempted using a completely different input for the second recording, but the lag time remains.

Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

macbook pro
intel core 2 duo
1GB memory

os x 10.4.9
java 1.4
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