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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › sounds triggering video files
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sounds triggering video files ? (Read 529 times)
sounds triggering video files ?
Jun 21st, 2007, 1:20am


I haven't made the necessary research yet, but, has anyone done something like assigning certain video (*.mov) files to certain audio (*.wav) files and triggering (a set of) them,the *.wav files, (like putting all of them in an array) using a certain algorithm? or does anyone know someone or something doing that? I think this should be a fairly simple operation in processing for a beginner like me, what do you think? and how do you think an intel core due macbook would respond to an application like this, using very high quality (HD) videos real-time? Is this a pointless attempt or would it really work?

This is an idea for my master's project, and I am planing to use some semi-established sets of rules regarding qualitative correlations between (various technical and artistic parameters of) sound and image, combined with my own taste. Hopefully..

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