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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › beginner trying to implement ESS
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beginner trying to implement ESS (Read 1222 times)
beginner trying to implement ESS
Dec 9th, 2006, 12:20am
I am trying to bring the ESS folder into my Processing Libraries folder, but I keep getting a message "The item "ESS" cannot be moved because "libraries" cannot be modified." I have checked the folder information and it looks like I can read and write to it. What am I doing wrong?
Re: beginner trying to implement ESS
Reply #1 - Dec 9th, 2006, 12:53am
sorry for the dumb post, i figured it out.
Re: beginner trying to implement ESS
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2006, 3:48am
WAIT! I have the same dumb question!!!! You figured it out? Help. I've been trying for 2 hours. I feel dumb.

Re: beginner trying to implement ESS
Reply #3 - Dec 13th, 2006, 2:35pm
This happens most commonly if you not have properly installed Processing from the disk image (and are just launching it directly from there).  Copy everything into the Applications folder first (I am assuming you are on a Mac.)  Otherwise, you could check your disk permissions.

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