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Combing sound and video
Dec 19th , 2006, 3:45pm
I still learning the in's and outs of processing and at the same time i'm creating a tester project using brightness tracking and ESS sound. I have worked out the brightness tracking with this code: import processing.video.*; import krister.Ess.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; Capture myCapture; import krister.Ess.*; AudioChannel myChannel, myChannel2; PinkNoise myNoise; public void stop() { Ess.stop(); super.stop(); } // Processing code for tracking the brightest pixel in a live video signal int video_width = 320; int video_height = 240; //------------------------------------------- void setup(){ size(320, 240); Ess.start(this); // This line prints out all available cameras so you'll be able to // spot if you's is there or not println(Capture.list()); String s = ""; myCapture = new Capture(this, s, width, height, 30); } void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) { myCapture.read(); // create a new AudioChannel myChannel=new AudioChannel(); myChannel2 = new AudioChannel(); // set the channel size to 5 seconds myChannel.initChannel(myChannel.frames(5000)); // generate 3 seconds of soft pink noise myNoise=new PinkNoise(.1); myNoise.generate(myChannel,0,myChannel.frames(9000)); // play myChannel.play(); myChannel.fadeTo(.5,500); } //------------------------------------------- void draw(){ image(myCapture, 0, 0); // Draw the webcam video onto the screen. // Declare some numbers to be computed later: int brightest_x = 0; // the x-coordinate of the brightest video pixel int brightest_y = 0; // the y-coordinate of the brightest video pixel float brightest_val = 0; // the brightness of the brightest video pixel // Now search for the brightest pixel: for (int y=0; y<video_height; y++){ // For each row of pixels in the video image, for (int x=0; x<video_width; x++){ // and for each pixel in the y'th row, int index = y*video_width + x; // compute each pixel's index in the video, int pix_val = myCapture.pixels[index];// fetch the color stored in that pixel, float pix_bri = brightness(pix_val); // and determine the brightness of that pixel. if (pix_bri > brightest_val){ // If that value is brighter than any previous, brightest_val = pix_bri; // then store the brightness of that pixel, brightest_y = y; // as well as its (x,y) location. brightest_x = x; }else if (brightest_val < 200){ brightest_y = -10; brightest_x = -10; } } } fill(255,0,0); // Set the fill color to red, and then ellipse( brightest_x, brightest_y, 10,10); // draw a circle at the brightest pixel. } I would like to combine it with this code which is currently on a mouseclick event: import krister.Ess .*; AudioChannel myChannel1,myChannel2; SineWave myWave; PinkNoise myNoise; void setup() { size(256,200); // start up Ess Ess.start(this); myChannel1=new AudioChannel(); myChannel2=new AudioChannel(); myChannel1.initChannel(myChannel1.frames(2000)); myChannel2.initChannel(myChannel2.frames(2000)); myWave=new SineWave(480,.5); myNoise=new PinkNoise(.5); myWave.generate(myChannel1); myNoise.generate(myChannel2); myChannel1.volume(0); myChannel2.volume(0); // pan only at zero crossings myChannel1.smoothPan=true; myChannel1.play(Ess.FOREVER); myChannel2.play(Ess.FOREVER); // small fade in myChannel1.fadeTo(.5,500); myChannel2.fadeTo(.5,500); framerate(30); noFill(); smooth(); ellipseMode(CENTER); } void draw() { background(0,0,255); strokeWeight(1); stroke(255); int tx=mouseX; int ty=mouseY; float newPan=1-(tx/float(width))*2; float newVolume=1-ty/float(height); if (!myChannel1.panning) myChannel1.panTo(newPan,500); if (!myChannel2.panning) myChannel2.panTo(-newPan,500); line(tx,0,tx,height); line(width-tx,0,width-tx,height); if (!myChannel1.fading) myChannel1.fadeTo(newVolume,500); if (!myChannel2.fading) myChannel2.fadeTo(1-newVolume,500); line(0,ty,width,ty); line(0,height-ty,width,height-ty); int d=((millis()/75) % 20)+4; strokeWeight(3); stroke(255,255-d*(255/20)); ellipse(tx,ty,d,d); ellipse(width-tx,height-ty,d,d); } // clean up Ess before exiting public void stop() { Ess.stop(); super.stop(); } Would anyone have any ideas on how to combine the two peices of code so that when a person moves their hand around the screen it changes the pitch and volume of the sounds. Any help would be really appeciated.