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ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5 (Read 1225 times)
ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5
Nov 20th, 2006, 8:30pm
Hi All:
I'm new to processing and i've been working with promidi to make some tests. Processing is working flawlessly in my system (AMD Sempron 3100, Linux/Slackware 11, JDK 1.5_09, Processing 0121), until I tried to get promidi to work with a USB/MIDI device (an Evolution UC33e). The midi interface worked fine with NetBeans 5.0. But in Processing, it didn't recognize the devices correctly (it showed just the Java default devices). After some tinkering, I replaced the reference in the 'processing' shell script to point to my system's JVM, and... ¡voila!, everything works fine. Or I hope it to work fine. Heres the doubt: The JVM that is distributed with processing, does have something "special"? Should *that one* be the one to be used, or is just a plain vanilla jvm?


Daniel Pliscoff

ps: Just as a reference, I'm using the same config on Win XP, and It Just Works Wink
Re: ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5
Reply #1 - Nov 20th, 2006, 11:54pm
it's just a vanilla jvm that's included with linux. replace as necessary:
Re: ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5
Reply #2 - Nov 21st, 2006, 4:54pm
Thanks (yes, yes, I had to read the documentation more thoroughly Wink ).
Anyway, I like to congratulate everybody involved in the Developement of Processing. I have been working with Macromedia tools for about a decade, end with Java for about four years. I started with Processing about a week ago, and is really a great environment. Fast, powerfull, clean, consistent, expandable, multiplatform... to say some things that I liked.

Congratulations again!

Re: ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5
Reply #3 - Dec 12th, 2006, 3:10am
Hello guys,

Whatever what has already been written about linux, I just ask again if anybody knows how to make PROMIDI work under LINUX. Specially with SOUND BLASTER PCI sound cards, just in case...

Note that the linux link here is dead :


Thank you all for your help.
Re: ProMIDI / Linux / JVM 1.5
Reply #4 - Dec 12th, 2006, 8:46pm
Hi golgauth13:
Wich JVM are you using?
   As I stated before, I'm working with the standard 1.5.09, and it works fine with promidi.

Are you using ALSA?
 IIRC, Java midi needs it to work (or is it JFM?)

Test to see if other java apps works with midi.
  If they work, do a test replacing the processing folder 'java' executable with a symlynk to your system's JVM. I'm currently using this configuration, and things works fine. Other workaround is replacing the jvm call in the 'processing' script (line 23 or so) to a call to the system's jvm instead of the one packed with Processing.

Hope this helps
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