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controlP5 (Read 126739 times)
Re: controlP5
Reply #45 - Dec 9th, 2007, 11:19pm
Hello again.
I've been playing around with the new .update() system.
I've had some troubles though.

When called on toggle and slider controllers every frame, it doesn't seem to work. They don't change. At least not visually. It might be the same reason that toggle controllers don't update their colour until you click on them.

When it's called on controlP5 as a whole, it sets off all the buttons as well which isn't a good thing. It should only do controllers that control a value, not controllers that set off events.
Re: controlP5
Reply #46 - Dec 10th, 2007, 12:15pm
now at 0.2.6 the documentation looks nicer and some little fixes.


since controller events are not "polling based" but event based, i would need to keep track of the active and non-active state of update, which i would like to avoid, hence there will be no visual feedback when calling update.
the values and function calls are updated though.
regarding the "off events", i would like to handle each controller equally, meaning each controller can be updated since this might be useful for others, but you can turn on and off the update status of controller with .setUpdate(true/false) . this can be called  on controlP5, tabs, or controllers, it is recursive. the status of update is set to false by default, therefore you have to set the update flag to true before you can use update, use controlP5.setUpdate(true) to enable all controllers to be update-able.
hope this helps,

Re: controlP5
Reply #47 - Jan 16th, 2008, 10:15pm
 Thank you for the great library -- I'm using it for GUI elements in an app I'm writing for a grad school research project, and it's very handy.

One pony/feature request: Any chance we can get tabbing/shift+tabbing between textboxes/buttons, or is that out-of-scope for ControlP5? A lot of my users are experienced enough with computers to expect this behavior among UI elements.

Edit: I just realized I could use SetFocus(); and an ArrayList of elements to set up tabbing between textboxes. So scratch the pony request. This library just rocks.

Edit again: New (minor) pony request. Any chance we can get a method to programmatically expand/collapse a ScrollList, or at least set it to default to the "collapsed" view?"

Re: controlP5
Reply #48 - Jan 17th, 2008, 2:07am
hi ryan,
you can programmatically expand/collapse a ScrollList with yourlist.open() and yourlist.close()
i guess this what you are looking for.
Re: controlP5
Reply #49 - Jan 17th, 2008, 10:13pm
Yes it is! Is that in the documentation? If so, sorry for the silly question!

(And again, many thanks for making this library available!)
Re: controlP5
Reply #50 - Jan 24th, 2008, 1:03pm

It seems that the font used by ControlP5 can't be changed and that font isn't free. I really would like to use the same font for the interface and the rest of the sketch.

If I am not wrong, the font is in someway hardcoded in the library. I wonder if it would be possible to create a new FreeControlP5 library using a free font like Silkscreen (http://www.kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/). It's free as in beer, it would be better if it were free as in speech.



Re: controlP5
Reply #51 - Jan 25th, 2008, 12:30am
On the topic of a font to go with P5, I've been using a 10pt ArielMT made from the processing create font option.

If you turn the smoothing off and ensure that the position of every piece of text is always cast to an int you get a very clean pixel font result.

Just thought I'd share.

Re: controlP5
Reply #52 - Jan 25th, 2008, 3:49am
polymonkey wrote on Jan 25th, 2008, 12:30am:
On the topic of a font to go with P5, I've been using a 10pt ArielMT made from the processing create font option.

If you turn the smoothing off and ensure that the position of every piece of text is always cast to an int you get a very clean pixel font result.

Thanks for the tips on using the fonts. I've been using createFont() to access my installed fonts. TTF's without copyright restrictions can be packaged in the data directory. This has the advantage of allowing font resizing.

I started to use controlP5, but was forced to switch to MyGUI because of the hard coded font. I cannot read a damn thing in that font because it is simply too small on my screen for my eyes. MyGUI has a style object which contains a font and a collections of colors. You can supply a default style for a group of controls and supply specific styles to individual controls. This is a much better system. It generalizes to all users, not just a developer with younger eyes than mine. (This is not really the developer's fault as there are very few good examples to follow. In 20+ years of GUI barely a handful of packages have chrome that properly expands when font faces and sizes are changed. Sadly, neither Windows nor OS/X are included in that handful.)

I'd go into controlP5 and rework the font stuff, but the source does not seem to be available at the moment. The link from the controlP5 documentation page is invalid.
Re: controlP5
Reply #53 - Jan 25th, 2008, 4:42am
there have been some request regarding the font, but it also seems quiet a number of users are fine with it. nevertheless i will take a look into it in the near future.
the font renderer that controlP5 uses, is based on the fasttext renderer by glen murphy which uses an image as source for the bitfont rendering. currently i am not intending to make it PFont compatible. what i will implement though, is the option to create your own font render texture an example of a currently used font can be found at the the project's sourceforge repository. lets see when i have time to do that.

the font that is used in controlP5 (standard58, standard56) is created by miniml.com.  just checked the website, and yep the font is not free anymore. since i got the font back when mac os 9 was still the only mac OS, i will now make a little purchase.

regarding the source, all source code is available at sourceforge under sourceforge.net/viewvc/sojamop5/trunk/src/controlP5 if you are interested in getting your hands on the code and you need an ant file to compile controlP5, let me know. currently all the libs i am working on are compiled by one ant file all together.

hope this helps, best,

Re: controlP5
Reply #54 - Jan 25th, 2008, 8:51am
Thank you for the quick reply, Andi. It is much appreciated. I'll check again for the source at SourceForge. Maybe I followed the wrong link earlier today.

As for the font: there was a time when I would not have complained about the font size. I could resolve the text without difficulty. However, I've been programming for 38 years now, and my eyes are not what they once were. When one combines a 10-pixel font with a 1280x1024 resolution and aging eyes, the combination is not so good. Similarly, though I am not color blind, I now require higher contrast between text and background and find many websites unreadable because of poor color combinations. Red text on black is hot these days, but I can no longer read it.

As a general philosophy it's best design for the broadest audience possible. This means taking factors such as those I've mentioned into account. Not all of this stuff is obvious. It's taken me a long time to learn how to design interfaces that are truly accessible regardless of the age of the eyes or other challenges. Though the tools are readily available, there are so few well designed interfaces that we have few exemplars and tend to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Even as I write all that I am well aware of the challenges we face. When you're hot on the trail of a new hack or trying to get a package stable enough to release it's does not seem as rewarding or interesting to bring everything to a dead halt while completely reworking font selection and the consequences of change.
Re: controlP5
Reply #55 - Jan 25th, 2008, 8:51am

Thanks for the information. In my case it is not a big problem to have two different fonts in my sketch.

Unfortunatelly I can't do much with the source code because I don't know a word about Java Sad

But, maybe I could try to learn a few things. Changing the for shouldn't be difficult (I hope). Is this (http://sojamop5.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sojamop5/trunk/build.xml?view=markup) the ant file?

Re: controlP5
Reply #56 - Jan 27th, 2008, 12:38am

Today I thought that the fact that the font used by ControlP5 isn't free rises an interesting question. Should we (programmers who use controlP5) pay a license fee to use it? I understand that there is no problem that the users of the applets or programs haven't got this problem.

This is what the miniml fonts license says:

"miniml fonts license

1. Approved Usage

Miniml licenses each font for use by the purchaser of the miniml access pass on a maximum of three computers (owned by purchaser).

If this font is used on more than three computers or computers not owned by purchaser of the miniml access pass, please contact me for extra user licenses. You agree to use miniml fonts solely for your own business or personal purposes."

How can I get horizonal radio buttons?
Reply #57 - Jan 27th, 2008, 3:40pm

Is there a way to align radiobuttons horizontally instead of vertically?

Thanks so far...
Re: How can I get horizonal radio buttons?
Reply #58 - Mar 23rd, 2008, 5:13pm
itsme wrote on Jan 27th, 2008, 3:40pm:

Is there a way to align radiobuttons horizontally instead of vertically

Thanks so far...

i second that too. would be nice to have. also being able to display the radio button name (the global name, not the one given to each sub radio button)

Re: controlP5
Reply #59 - Mar 24th, 2008, 2:08am
i am currently collecting all requests for updates and will start working them off soon. thanks for the suggestions.
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