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controlP5 (Read 126747 times)
Re: controlP5
Reply #15 - Jun 20th, 2007, 8:31am
Allright, found it, I know I should allways look in the documentation! Thanks anyway!
Re: controlP5
Reply #16 - Jun 20th, 2007, 2:43pm
Hi andi

I like the look of the new release. But I have a couple of questions. In the case of the .setLabel("Name") function, is it possible to align this text to center?

Am I right in thinking that the placement of the text has changed in this release to be a set distance from the edge of the button instead of being centered using theName as a string (not that I'm complaining I kinda like it that way)

And last thing, going back to the idea Bas had about the 2D overlay on a 3D sketch. Is this possible? perhaps get the camera matrix and use it to transform the ControlP5 object before it gets drawn. Just a thought cause it's a cool idea.

Keep up the great work andi

Re: controlP5
Reply #17 - Jun 27th, 2007, 7:35am
Hi Andy

Thought you should know I'm getting this error

Error: java.lang.NullPointerException

when I use a dropEvent. Checked my code and it works fine on version 0.1.1 but throws up the error in version 0.1.8.

Re: controlP5
Reply #18 - Jul 4th, 2007, 10:51am
I'm a french newbie in "procesing world".
I use the very nice ControlIP5 Library, But Label's control seem to be too small. For exemple, for a toggle, the label "play/stop" is not entirely visible. Have you a solution ?


NB : Sorry for the poor english i speak.
Re: controlP5
Reply #19 - Jul 20th, 2007, 8:28pm
New to Processing, Java, and ControlP5...but, anyway, I was wondering what escape sequence will produce a new line in Textlabel?

Everything I insert into the Textlabel (char(10), str(char(10), \n, etc.) seems to throw the "NullPointerException" (some "array out of bounds"--maybe a Processing thing?)

I also second the text centering request! (Allow simple HTML?)

Finally, I'm trying to use ControlP5 in a P3D context, so also struggling a little with the smoothing being applied to that otherwise pixel-perfect font. (It's a little hard to read when smoothed at its default size.)

Thanks for any tips!
Re: controlP5
Reply #20 - Jul 25th, 2007, 9:31pm
Wondering if/how it is possible to start a sketch with focus inside of a controlP5 component (a TextField for example)??
thanks! -dc
Re: controlP5
Reply #21 - Sep 7th, 2007, 1:02pm
I've got some ControlP5 Queries too!

Two things :

1) Regarding Controlwindows : I've noticed that when I've told controlP5 to open two windows ( The second window is opened via a button on the first window ), the second window often doesn't spawn at it's correct size, rather a 50x50(ish) square.  This tends to be much more frequent when running from an exported application, and less when running within the processing IDE

2) Regarding textfields : Is there any way to get the data from a textfield without having to press *enter* within that field ? Is this blazingly obvious and I've missed something ?

Re: controlP5
Reply #22 - Sep 13th, 2007, 11:53pm
hello there,

first of all thanks for the hard work you put into cP5.

second, i have a problem:

the knob example is not working. i get this error message:

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

also the 'controlP5basics' example is not working, producing the same error message. all other examples, without the 'knob' are working fine.

Re: controlP5
Reply #23 - Sep 13th, 2007, 11:59pm
I had the same problem slex, Didn't know how to fix it - so I just don't use knobs. Smiley
Re: controlP5
Reply #24 - Sep 14th, 2007, 12:08am
thanks for the reply,

what a pitty, thats no solution in my case.
Re: controlP5
Reply #25 - Sep 14th, 2007, 3:43am
on the controlP5 website you may download version 0.2.0, almost finished - if i could buy time i would. examples are included in the zip file. the library did grow quiet a bit, therefore i still have to adjust some examples. i tried hard to keep the new version backward compatible so the new version should not have impacts on the syntax of previous controlP5 versions.
Re: controlP5
Reply #26 - Sep 14th, 2007, 3:52am
Looking good! Thanks! Like the new colour scheme, very shmick.

I'll have to go and have a look through and see what has changed.  Any word on the textfield question I had a few posts above ?
Re: controlP5
Reply #27 - Sep 14th, 2007, 4:50am
hey tom,
take a look at the controlP5textfield example that comes with the zip inside of the library folder, the function you are looking for would be myTextfield.getText()
regarding your controlwindow question, i can currently only test on mac, and here the opening and closing of a controlwindow works fine. if you are on pc or linux could you give me a quick feedback?
Re: controlP5
Reply #28 - Sep 14th, 2007, 5:59am
sojamo wrote on Sep 14th, 2007, 4:50am:
hey tom,
take a look at the controlP5textfield example that comes with the zip inside of the library folder, the function you are looking for would be myTextfield.getText()
regarding your controlwindow question, i can currently only test on mac, and here the opening and closing of a controlwindow works fine. if you are on pc or linux could you give me a quick feedback

Thanks for the replies!

the textfield examples were brilliant, It was my fault, so that's all fixed now ( one word was all it took, hah ).

I use a PC, the controlWindow thing is hard to replecate, it happens *sometimes* but not all the time.  I think I've decided to use tabs instead, so I don't think it will be a problem, but yes, it would only really happen on my vista machine, when I opened a third window

Main Window -> opens a controlWindow1.  
controlWindow1 has a button which opens controlWindow2. Window 2 is the one that loads up in a tiny square.

Re: controlP5
Reply #29 - Sep 14th, 2007, 7:28am
hello sojamo,

cool new version!

but it is (almost) the same with the 'knob' example.

when i click on a knob they sometimes disappear, but always freeze the applet.
the error message reads:

at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)

any idea?

i am working on a macbook.
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