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controlP5 (Read 126748 times)
Re: controlP5
Reply #30 - Sep 14th, 2007, 1:35pm
ok, there was some oddness going on with the knob, worked in processing 124 but did spit out the reflection error in 125. so i updated the controlP5 0.2.0 version, ready for download. tested on macbook pro processing versions 124 and 125
Re: controlP5
Reply #31 - Sep 14th, 2007, 8:10pm
great! thank you so much for the extrasuper work!

Re: controlP5
Reply #32 - Sep 26th, 2007, 6:11am
Another quick controlP5 Question,

Is it possible to automatically switch to another tab? via a button perhaps ?

So say I've got 3 tabs, is it possible to specify which tab I am currently viewing via a button ? or is the only way to switch tabs by clicking them at the top ?

EDIT - Also Another Question :
Is there any more information on MultiLists, and MultiListButtons ?
I'm wanting to change the label of a multi list button eg :

b is a MultiListButton, l is a MultiList


b = l.add("test3",4);
b.add("Coming Soon",501).setId(501);

Is there any way I can reference the "Coming Soon" button, and rename it from somewhere else ?
Re: controlP5
Reply #33 - Sep 26th, 2007, 1:00pm
regarding the tab questions: not yet, not yet, not yet, so far yes.

the multilistbutton:
you can access each controller by name, e.g. in your case to change the label of the controller below, use


b = l.add("test3",4);
controlP5.controller("test3").setLabel("Some Other Label");

in case of the coming soon button i suggest:

controlP5.controller("someNameWithoutSpace").setLabel("Coming soon");
// then in some other moment when clicking a button
controlP5.controller("someNameWithoutSpace").setLabel("Too late");

Re: controlP5
Reply #34 - Sep 26th, 2007, 4:01pm
Thankyou sojamo, that helps greatly.
I have one more question, then I'll promise to stop bugging you for a while Wink

*is* there more information on the multilistbutton anywhere ? A list of functions perhaps ?

I'm wanting to add/remove elements from the list dynamically.

Currently I can use the b.add to add elements, but I'm not sure if there's a proper way to remove them.  I know I can use :



Which *does* remove it, but then if I add another element to the list, it adds it after an invisible space ( the space formerly held by the button now removed ).  I was just wondering if there was a proper way to remove elements from the list.  I had thought it might work in a similar fashion to an arraylist, but the .remove function doesn't work on 'b'.

Though I've just had a thought that it might work on the list itself, if I could find the right element within it...

Sorry for all the questions! University assignment. fun fun.
Thanks in advance, and thankyou even more for the best GUI library available for lovely little processing.
Re: controlP5
Reply #35 - Sep 26th, 2007, 7:20pm
hi andi,

thanks for that wonderful library!
today i downloaded the new version and now it is not possible to change a numberbox's value by using the "setValue()" command (in the prior version it was no problem). when i look in the "controlEvent" function it seems, that the value is changing in the background, but in the frontend, the number in the box keeps the same. if i replace the numberbox with a slider I can change the value without any problems using the same synthax. any ideas?

thanks and best,

Re: controlP5
Reply #36 - Oct 18th, 2007, 9:20pm

Is there a way to create a password field using this library (like a textfield but with ****)? If not, is there any plans to add this?


Great lib, by the way.
Re: controlP5
Reply #37 - Oct 19th, 2007, 3:57am
i updated the lib version 0.2.1. to use the password mode,


to deactivate the password mode,


bydefault the password mode is false.
Re: controlP5
Reply #38 - Oct 19th, 2007, 5:07am
wicked, thank you so much!
Re: controlP5
Reply #39 - Oct 19th, 2007, 1:04pm
It's me again!
I've got a textfield question.

I can use something like the following to create a textfield :


objectName = gui.addTextfield("object_name",10,30,100,20);

I can then use objectName.setValue(this.name); to get set the value of that textfield.

I was just wondering if it was at all possible to do something like the following :



I've noticed that if I try and do it that way, it requires a float, and crashes if I try and give it anything.  Basically what I'm asking, is it possible to create a textfield that can have it's value set / recieved, without having to create an actual variable declaration ?

Also, when I *do* call .setValue on the top example, it *does* change the value, but it doesn't appear until I type something else in that box.  Just thought you might like to know.
Re: controlP5
Reply #40 - Dec 7th, 2007, 9:41pm

I've been using controlP5 for a long time now. Its a great library, and I applaud your work. During my use though I have noticed some bugs.

My implementation of controlP5 is here

Problems I have are:
- when controlP5 is hidden (controlP5.hide()) the buttons are still able to be pressed even though the gui is not visible.

- changing the colours mid sketch works except for toggles. They only update once they are pressed again

- the mouse over colour for buttons and toggles (active state) only blinks briefly instead of staying on when the mouse is still there.

- is there anyway to get the controllers to update their value, when it was changed from somewhere else? for example a toggle button that changes automatically when some other button calls a method that changes it. (if that makes any sense)

I would love that when .hide() is called, controlP5 stops running, until it is shown again


ps. also just a programaming question, how did you cast strings into the relevant objects in the controller constuctors?
Re: controlP5
Reply #41 - Dec 8th, 2007, 4:48pm
i updated controlP5 to version 0.2.4
the control window issue with leopard is fixed.
controlP5 is not active anymore when hidden.

to change/update the value of a controller, use setValue()
taking a toggle for example (if your toggle controller is called myToggle), its value can be changes with

controlP5.controller("myToggle").setValue(1); // for true
controlP5.controller("myToggle").setValue(0); // for false

the drop implementation has been removed from controlP5 and exists now in its own library, dropP5, which i will put online as soon as i have written the examples.

also just a programaming question, how did you cast strings into the relevant objects in the controller constuctors?

i am using reflection to do so.

Re: controlP5
Reply #42 - Dec 8th, 2007, 5:32pm
Wow, great news. quick reply! Smiley

Is there a way for a controller to update its value automatically without explicitly setting it to something? Like .update()
This could be called on controlP5 so it would update everything, or a tab and it would update all the controllers under it, or just one controller
Re: controlP5
Reply #43 - Dec 8th, 2007, 7:36pm
Like .update()
This could be called on controlP5 so it would update everything, or a tab and it would update all the controllers under it, or just one controller

this is implemented now in version 0.2.5

Re: controlP5
Reply #44 - Dec 9th, 2007, 5:46pm
Awesome, thanks Andreas.
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