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Comments pls :) (Read 1851 times)
Comments pls :)
Jul 10th, 2005, 11:42am

artificial life....bugs will chase for food, reproduce, etc...u need to feed them Smiley stronger bugs will also get the food before the weak ones Sad
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #1 - Jul 10th, 2005, 8:39pm
This is really cool. Fun to play God on a Sunday morning!

Nice work.
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #2 - Jul 11th, 2005, 5:12am
Thats very nicely put together, got me thinking about some other simulators you coudl put togtether. A feature maybe you coudl add: number in colony at the bottom right.

I was thinking you could have a survival thingn and have traits that get passed onto successive generations, but the only suitable trait I can think of useful for survival and interesting would be colour. Speed I guess is also an important factor in survival.
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #3 - Jul 11th, 2005, 9:30am
I like it, very interesting.

I did the following experiment:
1. i waited for the total bug's extinction, but i gave food to just one bug before all bugs die. (that bug is the only survivor since the few others' strength failed to reach the food)
2. after i gave food each 4 seconds arranging it on the background according to an beehive shape (exagonal simmetry)

Initially the food is excessive and the bugs colony starts to have a big increase. This is an affluence period.

But after few minutes the food that i give each 4 seconds starts to be insufficient to the big numbers of bugs. In this phase a lot of bugs start to die and starts the shortage period.

At the end the number or bugs reachs an equilibrium value, having just short variations, that depends from the food quantity i give.

This experiment replies in very good way a famous teory (i don't remember the name)

I think that a very simple variation of your applet would be to add the number of alive bugs in the background each frame.

Best Regards,
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #4 - Jul 11th, 2005, 7:25pm
thanks for all ur replies Smiley it's great to know that this applet give u guys some fun Smiley and somehow i also feel that this applet can simulate a quite real situation within organisms
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #5 - Jul 12th, 2005, 7:01pm
marcello wrote on Jul 11th, 2005, 9:30am:
I like it, very interesting.
after few minutes the food that i give each 4 seconds starts to be insufficient to the big numbers of bugs.

Perhaps another feature would be to add a regenerating food source that recreates itself after a period of time. The shift key could be used for this, then you could sit back and watch as the colony was supplied with a constant amount of food.
Re: Comments pls :)
Reply #6 - Jul 12th, 2005, 7:31pm
thx for ur comments!

that's a good idea Smiley
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