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IndexDiscussionExhibition › RGB 2.0 performance
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RGB 2.0 performance (Read 1486 times)
RGB 2.0 performance
Jul 12th, 2005, 11:12am
Hi all,

this spingtime Tomas Dvorak and Matous Godik asked me to collaborate with them to create an audio -visual installation/performance. I used P5 (alpha .68 ) for generative graphics and interaction control and oscP5 library to communicate with Eyesweb (a great software for motion tracking by DIST of Genova) and Max/Msp. Basicly the concept is 2-9 users, using special custom made lights, could interact live with musician through a projected "public" interface. Each lights can emit the 3 basic color, any color has a differnt behaviour with any algorithm.
This is still a work in progress so some aspect have to be improved,  anyway this is the "official" web page of this project and you could find documentation and information about our Prague performance of 9th May 2005 (RGB 2.0):
here you could find other informations, a scheme of the system and the p5 source code:

Re: RGB 2.0 performance
Reply #1 - Jul 12th, 2005, 9:17pm

Great stuff, I have posted it on my blog

The story has been picked up by others now:
Re: RGB 2.0 performance
Reply #2 - Jul 12th, 2005, 10:55pm

Thanks for posting. It's great to see what you're up to. Did you enjoy working with Eyesweb? Why are you using 68 with this project and not the (BETA)?


Re: RGB 2.0 performance
Reply #3 - Jul 13th, 2005, 5:10pm

thanks a lot Chris to post it Smiley

Actually I didn't make the Eyesweb patch, Tomas did, anyway it is a very interesting software that could be used in a wide range of situations, it was perfect for us because it's fast (we had to detect 9 blobs for 3 colors) and robust (never a crash). The most critical aspect for me was frame synchronization of Eyesweb and P5, now we use different ports for data (one for any color, with different addresses for any blob) and frame number, best solution should be sending all the data in a single OSC bundle that triggers frame changing in p5, I'm working on it.  
I used alpha .68 because RGB was already in an advance stage when (beta) was released, we had a strict deadline and I didn't fell like to change anything. I have already made a (beta) version of the RGB code, adding another algorithm too but it's not been tested yet, I hope we will be able to perform this piece soon and see it in a real situation.

It's nice to have some free time again to see what's happening in p5 community.


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