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Starfish (Read 2397 times)
Jul 6th, 2005, 4:12am
Click to draw a "starfish". Be patient, they take a little while to do.

The images it shows while loading are of real starfish. The applet doesn't generate them, sorry Smiley It is a port of Mars Saxman's amazing Starfish algorithm.

The sketch starts with only 3 simple types of linear waves, then progressively combines and changes them until a colorful 2D image is created. It's a bit slow, but the images it produces are often pretty spectacular.

Note that the entire thing is random - you can get a solid color, or something very boring. My sketch seems to like lots of black, which I tried to reduce by starting over if the first row is entirely color(0). I'll have to see why it does that, though...

(I've no idea what category this would go under - what happened to "Beyond Categories" This has very little connection to artificial life other than its name)
Re: Starfish
Reply #1 - Jul 6th, 2005, 8:24pm
Oops. I had two very small bugs which together contributed to over 3.5 million overflows (results out of the range -1.0...1.0). In one case, I forgot to subtract 1, and in another I had used less than instead of greater than.

The results are pretty staggering. The pictures are much more fluid in this version, with less tendency to have jagged edges, large black areas, and static.

Re: Starfish
Reply #2 - Jul 7th, 2005, 10:42am
Nice! The new version is much better than the old one. I still don't know what it has to do with starfish though?
Re: Starfish
Reply #3 - Jul 7th, 2005, 9:17pm
I dunno, Mars Saxman named it Smiley

Thanks for your kind words.
Re: Starfish
Reply #4 - Jul 8th, 2005, 3:05am
I like it, its a shame its only in black and white, and you can't see it being drawn. It'd be interseting if you spaced out the sampling so you could watch an image being formed - and at a large size?
Re: Starfish
Reply #5 - Jul 8th, 2005, 11:39am
Hehe... I think it is very colorful.
At first I also thought that the starfish images were meant to be the result of this applet. But nooo... it's the colored images that only appear for patient users.

Could you probably change the mouse input in the way, that you can not start the next drawing, while a drawing is actually in process. As it is now, you just click very often on the starfish because nothing happens and you will only see the real result image for about 1 frame.
Re: Starfish
Reply #6 - Jul 8th, 2005, 2:14pm
Ohhh, I see now.
Re: Starfish
Reply #7 - Jul 8th, 2005, 5:06pm
The starfish images are deceiving, sorry Smiley That would be a cool algorithm, though, heh. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds to draw an image on a moderately fast computer. The production of the image internally - that is, the massively long function that it uses to get each pixel - takes only a second to create, it's the evaluation that takes so long. I'm looking into sine et al tables to help this.

I tried disabling clicks while it's drawing, but the mouseReleased() event fires after it finishes, even if you click during the drawing stage. I think a separate thread would fix this issue.
Re: Starfish
Reply #8 - Jul 12th, 2005, 4:47am
Alright, I've a new version up at http://rgov.org/wp/?page_id=8

It looks the same, but I've done some internal changes.
- dumped the hyp() function which was the same as Processing's mag().
- confusing starfish images were given the boot. now a tiny little circle appears to show that it's busy.
- the rendering code is now in its own thread. this makes it nicer when you click to draw a new one
- moved it to a page on WordPress, which lets me accept comments there. this is kind of strange, as now I have a forum post, a blog post, and a wordpress page Smiley

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