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Morphology: artificial biology studies (Read 2156 times)
Morphology: artificial biology studies
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:43pm

I did this two quarters ago (beginning of this year) as an independent study with Casey as my advisor. A few people on this board helped me through some tough times, so thanks to Quasimondo, Skloopy, v3ga, marcello, and fish-face, as well as Casey Reas and Ben Fry ofcourse.

Enjoy! Post any questions here.
Re: Morphology: artificial biology studies
Reply #1 - Jun 24th, 2005, 7:18am
Awesome. I really liked this project while you were designing it, and it's pretty brilliant.

The controls aren't working for me. 0 through 6 seem to show the same creature only different views of it, and s didn't change its look any (should have turned off anti-aliasing, right? I was in the yellowish spiny view).

Edit: Ah, 6 through 0, not 0 through 6. Shows how observant I am Smiley
Re: Morphology: artificial biology studies
Reply #2 - Jun 24th, 2005, 8:40am
Nice work - Morphogenesis is a very interesting area!

Have you look into D'Arcy Thompson's classic "On Growth and Form"? There're a few chapters on cell, especially from the perspectives of physics and mathematics. Might give you some new ideas on how to develop your work.

Re: Morphology: artificial biology studies
Reply #3 - Jun 24th, 2005, 12:27pm
Hi mflux,
you have done an incredible work. I like very much all the projects about alife, developed as simulations in a physical environment. I think that the final proof about the Darwin's Evolutionist theory will come also thank to project like your.

I had some questions but you already answered them in "details" of your sute.

Compliments Smiley
Re: Morphology: artificial biology studies
Reply #4 - Jun 24th, 2005, 11:10pm
My "high score" for the Fastest Swimmer applet is 41.302155 fitness with 1.6520861 pixels per frame. For Follow the Light, I got to 810.64465 fitness with only 0.41629812 pixels per frame. Pretty spectacular that it can evolve this much in a matter of minutes, only from some rules defining what an organism needs to have.

Would it be possible to have some sort of online ranking of the fittest organisms (like the top 10 or so) so that people can select them and see if they evolve any further? It would be interesting to see how far your system can get.
Re: Morphology: artificial biology studies
Reply #5 - Jul 6th, 2005, 9:16pm
Thanks for this, Michael.

I think this is really important work. Not only that, it's extraordinarily beautiful. I posted ut on my blog - so maybe my handful of readers can check it out too!

Really great stuff. I am trying to think of ways to explore emergence in my work with L-systems... it's hard to get my head wrapped around.

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