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Processing 0115 bug fixes from barcelona (Read 1567 times)
Processing 0115 bug fixes from barcelona
May 11th, 2006, 1:28am
ABOUT REV 0115 - 11 May 2006

Greetings from the advanced processing workshop in the beautiful city
of Barcelona.

+ When using Java 1.4 and later, you can now write to several formats
 other than tga and tiff. If Java 1.4 is installed and the extension
 used is supported (usually png, jpg, jpeg, bmp), then those methods
 will be used to write the image.
 More detailed information is available in the save() section
 of the developer's reference:

+ loadImage() also supports image loading in the same manner, which
 though it's not recommended for projects that export to the web.
 Again, more detailed information is in the developer's reference:

+ The image loading and saving issues were covered by Bug #165.

+ loadImage() now works with TIFF and Targa images created by Processing.
 It will probably not support TIFF or Targa files created by other programs.
 Use PNG or another image format if you want to load images.

+ fixed issue with beginRaw() that made the stroke of objects appear with
 no translations (even though the fill was properly translated)

+ removed debugging messages from loadPixels() and PGraphics2.save()

+ fixed error message that prevented DXF from being used with OpenGL

+ added arraycopy(from[], to[], count)

+ renaming a sketch now rebuilds the sketch menu (accidental regression
 as the result of a bug fix and moving some code around)

[ issues ]

+ You cannot set the level of compression when writing JPEG:

+ TIFF writing does not support images that are ARGB or ALPHA format.
Re: Processing 0115 bug fixes from barcelona
Reply #1 - May 11th, 2006, 8:07am
You rule.  Perchance did you implement the previous hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_SORT) or whatever it was called?  I just did a quick run of a bunch of alpha transparent triangles and they looked properly sorted.  Might just be my tired eyes though.
Re: Processing 0115 bug fixes from barcelona
Reply #2 - May 11th, 2006, 11:38am
the hint() should be working.. results are inconsistent, but it at least helps the situation from what things looked like without it.
Re: Processing 0115 bug fixes from barcelona
Reply #3 - May 12th, 2006, 6:43pm
this release also should fix the blue camera on intel macs problem.. if not, the new quicktime 7.1 download supposedly fixes the apple bug that causes it in the first place.
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