We closed this forum 18 June 2010. It has served us well since 2005 as the ALPHA forum did before it from 2002 to 2005. New discussions are ongoing at the new URL http://forum.processing.org. You'll need to sign up and get a new user account. We're sorry about that inconvenience, but we think it's better in the long run. The content on this forum will remain online.
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ITP Show (Read 795 times)
ITP Show
May 9th, 2006, 7:39pm
Many projects built with Processing!

ITP Spring Show 2006
Tuesday, May 9 from 5 to 9pm
Wednesday, May 10 from 6 to 9pm

A two-day explosion of interactive sight, sound and technology from the student artists and innovators at ITP.  http://itp.nyu.edu/show

Just added!  A live webcast of the show will be provided!  Visit the show website during show times to view.

An oversized Greenwich Village loft houses the computer labs, rotating exhibitions, and production workshops that are ITP -- the Interactive Telecommunications Program. Founded in 1979 as the first graduate education program in alternative media, ITP has grown into a living community of technologists, theorists, engineers, designers, and artists uniquely dedicated to pushing the boundaries of interactivity in the real and digital worlds. A hands-on approach to experimentation, production and risk-taking make this hi-tech fun house a creative home not only to its 230 students, but also to an extended network of the technology industry's most daring and prolific practitioners.

Interactive Telecommunications Program
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University
721 Broadway, 4th Floor South Elevators
New York NY 10003

Take the left elevators to the 4th Floor
These events are free and open to the public
No need to RSVP

For questions: 212-998-1880
email: itp.inquiries@nyu.edu
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