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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Newbie with export problems
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Newbie with export problems (Read 1687 times)
Newbie with export problems
Aug 28th, 2005, 11:37pm
I have created a very simple program in Process and it works just peachy in the native environment, but when I export it, all that displays is a white square.

The program can be seen at http://www.kathyevans.biz/sprojects/index.html and of course the code is linked from there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #1 - Aug 29th, 2005, 1:00am
Have you included the ttf file in the data dir?
Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #2 - Aug 29th, 2005, 1:03am
I just unpacked your .jar and couldn't find it. Create a data dir for your sketch and then refer to createFont(), or loadFont() in reference section, for what you need to include.
Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #3 - Aug 29th, 2005, 1:04am
see also the description of common problems in the faq:
Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #4 - Aug 31st, 2005, 4:10pm
Thanks for all the suggestions... alas none of them solved the problem. If you have any other ideas I'm willing to try.

Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #5 - Aug 31st, 2005, 5:20pm

Have you tried emptying the browser cache to ensure that your running the latest version of your code containing the additional font files.
Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #6 - Aug 31st, 2005, 5:24pm

Just unpacked your latest jar. The problem is that your .ttf file needs to go in a directory named data, which you create by selecting show sketch folder and then create a dir. Move the .ttf into it and all should be well.

Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #7 - Sep 8th, 2005, 11:21pm
Thanks Mark, but like I've stated before the ttf is sitting very prettily in it's little data directory, but it still isn't working. : (

Is there some place on the webserver specifically that these files need to go. Do I just upload them as they generate when exported? Can they work within another directory? I don't understand why it can't find the file.

Thanks for everyone's help... have to turn this in tomorrow.

Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #8 - Sep 8th, 2005, 11:32pm

Stick it back up on the web, and I'll have a go!
Re: Newbie with export problems
Reply #9 - Oct 19th, 2005, 12:20am
I have the same difficulty.  Whenever I make a change to the program and save it under the same filename, the console's classloader cache has to be cleared to see the changes.  Is there a way to see the changes without exporting under a different name or manually clearing the cache?
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