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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Obtuse Errors and Lack of Documentation
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Obtuse Errors and Lack of Documentation (Read 715 times)
Obtuse Errors and Lack of Documentation
Oct 19th, 2005, 8:16pm
I'm trying to use a bit of code someone emailed me to try, but the last line generates an error which makes no sense to me, since I'm not a programmer. Here's the last 2 lines:

static public void main(String args[]) {
 PApplet.main(new String[] { "--present", "--display=1", "testcircle04" })

and the error I get is "unexpected token: null" and it puts a box around the first parentheses in the last line.

This means nothing to me; I have no idea what it's expecting or not expecting, and since it's not in the Reference, there's no clue as to what I can or should do to fix it. And since there's no tutorial or ordered PDF documentation so people with no programming experience can learn the language and syntax, referrng to the Reference is an exercise in futility.

Can anyone offer a fix for this code problem, and does anyone have info on when a real tutorial will be available?
Re: Obtuse Errors and Lack of Documentation
Reply #1 - Oct 19th, 2005, 9:45pm
Just delete it. The error is somewhere else i guess. This piece of code will just work if you run it outside of processing to have it fullscreen.
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