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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › Text in PGraphics
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Text in PGraphics (Read 2328 times)
Text in PGraphics
Jun 9th, 2005, 2:02pm
I used to write some text in a PGraphics Object but it does'nt work.


void setup(){
PFont font=loadFont("Arial.vlw");
PGraphics a=new PGraphics(300,300,this);

There are no errors but only a black graphic will displayed.
Re: Text in PGraphics
Reply #1 - Jun 14th, 2005, 8:06pm
I second that, just having the exact same problem. Also tried

System.arraycopy( buffer.pixels,0,pixels,0,pixels.length );

( buffer is my PGraphics ).

How can i get a PGraphics object back on screen?
Re: Text in PGraphics
Reply #2 - Jun 15th, 2005, 4:03pm
drawing to PGraphics and PGraphics2 are currently a little broken with the beta. they'll be back soon. PGraphics3 might work.

more info:
Re: Text in PGraphics
Reply #3 - Jul 28th, 2005, 3:58am
more information can be found here:
so closing thread.
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