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Firefox Problems (Read 2437 times)
Firefox Problems
Jun 26th, 2005, 4:11pm

I have encountered this wierd scenario regarding firefox and processing on os x.

Firefox will sometime ( 50% ) of the time load all the files correctly, but it sometimes crashes completely, ie. I have to force quit it.

It says Applet Initialized and then the cursor changes into a beach ball and nothing happens.

for example: www.arkitus.com/Valid/

Can you help me?
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #1 - Jun 26th, 2005, 7:52pm
I've had problems with crashing in Firefox (and sometimes Safari) too. I don't know if it's a browser problem or a P5 problem, but it seems like it's the browser, because I remember other applets crashing it too. Did you set a framerate in your sketch? Sometimes that helps to keep it crashless.
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #2 - Jun 26th, 2005, 8:21pm
thanks for the response; i was giving up hope.

yes, I have set a framerate. i have made some progress on the problem myself: firefox opens the index.html made by processing fine, but i have made some changes to that. since the index is being made by php, the applet urls are not in the same folder as the php, so what i have done is to use this:


<applet code='BallCollision' codebase='Experiments/BallCollision' archive='BallCollision.jar' width='800' height='420'>
<param name='image' value='Images/loading.gif' />
<param name='boxmessage' value='Loading Processing software...' />
<param name='boxbgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' />
To view this content, you need to install Java from <a href='http://java.com'>java.com</a>

instead of


<applet code='BallCollision' archive='BallCollision.jar' width='800' height='420'>
<param name='image' value='Images/loading.gif' />
<param name='boxmessage' value='Loading Processing software...' />
<param name='boxbgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' />
To view this content, you need to install Java from <a href='http://java.com'>java.com</a>

which is the default created by processing. but somehow this doesn't work. any ideas?
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #3 - Jun 27th, 2005, 4:08pm
It took about 90 Seconds to load, but it runs fine on my
Fedora-core-3 Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050513 browser.

Nicely done.

Is it possible for you to render using double-buffering so that fast-moving balls don't show up as two balls in a line?

(Make the balls small, and shake a few times in a row to get them moving fast)
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2005, 12:58am
try opening the console (applications -> utilities -> console) and try to get your applet loading to fail, and see what spews out to the console because you should get some sort of error message.

also, there were some problems with firefox on osx (because it uses java 1.3 instead of 1.4) with recent versions of processing, so make sure you use rev 91 to export and re-test the applet.
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #5 - Jul 4th, 2005, 12:07am
Ok, thanks fry.

This is what I get in console:

Tried to create the VM in the Java Applet.plugin.
We detected that one already was created for this browser.
Using existing VM.
**Warning** this VM MAY not have the expected Java Runtime Parameters.
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #6 - Jul 4th, 2005, 9:57pm
Actually, I just tried it again and this is what I got:

no proxy

Any ideas?
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #7 - Jul 6th, 2005, 12:16am
hm, does it work if you don't mess with the regular exported html?
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #8 - Jul 6th, 2005, 7:28pm
yes it does work. I have tried every type of calling an applet, and none of them work apart from the exported html. just removing the exported html & source code from its normal directory causes it to crash.
Re: Firefox Problems
Reply #9 - Jul 28th, 2005, 1:29am
hm, then this sounds like a general problem with how you're setting up the html so i'm gonna move this over to syntax.
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