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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › Help With Movie DNA Script
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Help With Movie DNA Script (Read 1633 times)
Help With Movie DNA Script
Jul 27th, 2005, 9:08pm
Hi. I don't know coding for processing, I just saw something on Attack of the Show! called Movie DNA or something. (to see examples go here: http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=278 ) I pasted the code and changed "movie.mov" to my file name. when I pressed "run" in version 0090, the following error appeared:

C:/Documents and Settings/[MY USERNAME]/Application Data/Processing/build/Temporary_498_8592.java:14:26:14:33: Semantic Error: Type "quicktime.std.movies.Movie" was not found.

and in version 0091:

C:/DOCUME~1/[MY USERNAME]/LOCALS~1/Temp/build/Temporary_483_6083.java:14:26:14:33: Semantic Error: Type "quicktime.std.movies.Movie" was not found.

I don't know how to fix it since I don't know processing, so could someone please help? Here is the code I used:

import processing.video.*;
Movie myMovie;
int xpos = 0;
int ypos = 0;
int VWIDTH = 11; // width of capture
int VHEIGHT = 6; // height of capture
int MOVIEWIDTH = VWIDTH * 60; // width is equivalent to 1 minute of film time

void setup() {
myMovie = new Movie(this, "notokay.mov"); //change movie.mov to the filename of your Quicktime movie
MOVIEDURATION = (myMovie.duration()); // gets the duration of the movie in seconds
MOVIEHEIGHT = VHEIGHT * int(MOVIEDURATION / 60) + VHEIGHT; // height of the stage is based on the length of your film
// note that the last frame of the film will repeat until it reaches the end of the current line
background(0); // sets the background of the stage to black
framerate(1); // forces the video to play at one frame per second

void draw() {
if(myMovie.available()) { // checks to see if the next frame is ready for processing
image(myMovie, xpos, ypos, VWIDTH, VHEIGHT);
xpos += VWIDTH;
if (xpos > MAXWIDTH) {
xpos = 0;
ypos += VHEIGHT;
if(ypos > MOVIEHEIGHT) {
save("my_movie_dna.tif"); // saves a tiff image to the folder of the current sketch when the end of the movie is reached
delay(2000); // pauses two seconds to save the file
noLoop(); // exits the draw loop so that the process ends
delay(100); // waits one tenth of a second before repeating the draw function
Re: Help With Movie DNA Script
Reply #1 - Jul 28th, 2005, 12:52am
have you read through the FAQ regarding problems with using video?
Re: Help With Movie DNA Script
Reply #2 - Jul 28th, 2005, 4:02am
I checked... it said to have version 6.5.2 of Quicktime and that's what I have... did I possibly extract the files to the wrong place?
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