fjen wrote on Apr 20th, 2005, 3:54pm:forums are too stiff and structured (threads, order of messages), wikis are only search- and hyperlink-based (no real index).
as said before, i think a static information-tree (one or more indices, searchable) where users can add information per page the way they can on or is the way to go. just my 5 cents though ...
i actually don't agree with much of this at all. it's true, many popular wiki systems are pretty rudimentary from a navigation POV. on the other hand wikis are an active area of research and there're some very clever systems out there with (in some ways) superior navigation features and potentially greate ease of use:
for example check out
faceted navigation...
forum systems like introduce new(ish) ideas like tagging and
folksonomy for creating dynamic categories & navigation paths, created by users. at the same time these systems help them staying up-to-date with discussions by supplying RSS feeds (even on a thread basis). alone this last feature would be worth a million, i think.
for realtime communication i still think an IRC channel with some logger bots would be great. i've been hanging out on some W3C channels on for a while, and those groups' means of communication are incredibly efficient: conversations are logged & archived, links automatically annotated, meetings held and marker URIs added at key moments, meta data of any kind can be added to the database and queried via bot commands in IRC directly etc. it's constantly growing interactive knowledge base...
i started writing up some stuff a while ago about integrating
FOAF meta data into a future processing backend to enable new ways to search and find information, find users who are potentially knowledgable in certain subjects, or are near your location, know other users you know yourself etc. a lot of that information can be created automatically, simply by updating user profiles based on user behaviour (eg. posting history) if you're interested i can send you the rough notes...
personally, i'd love to see some of those blue sky ideas implemented for this community. if we're going the route, one might as well just set up a processing community blog with comments enabled... i don't see much difference, but then again
i should be quiet anyway for being one those people who got lost on the way...

still, i hope this is something to think about in more detail! that's all...