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Topic: How many people using P_A are graphic artists? (Read 845 times) |
Tony Guest

How many people using P_A are graphic artists?
« on: Jun 5th, 2003, 12:46pm » |
I say this because to be honest, some of the mathematical formulas used on some applets (dare I use the word) just dont seem to come from the average Graphic Artist Mind..I dont mean Graphic Artist's cant code, damm there are some great ones around. But in general Design and Code have alwas been the domain of two different minds....honestly do most of you just think of the code or do you just experiment for hours till you get something different?? I need to know so that I can put an end to me thinking that I'm the only dud around...yet I have no problem in "fiddling with code" till I mess it or get something I like, I just cant come to grips that trigonometry and algebra is the first thing that most of you think when sitting down to come up with something new. Tony
Re: How many people using P_A are graphic artists?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 5th, 2003, 1:56pm » |
nobody, professional programmers included, writes all of their code from scratch. there is years of work from very intelligent people and it is available for reference. in my opinion, processing is not a tool for graphic artists, it's a tool for people interested in a new hybrid space.
Tony Guest

Re: How many people using P_A are graphic artists?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 6th, 2003, 1:05am » |
I guess Grahic designer was not that correct of a term....but there is a corrolation between the two any way, if you say that Proce55ing program is about anew hibryd space rather than design, than sounds like a bit of a paradox... I think the two can really be combined to work beautifully since design is the structure of everything. Tony

Re: How many people using P_A are graphic artists?
« Reply #3 on: Jun 6th, 2003, 10:16am » |
on Jun 6th, 2003, 1:05am, Tony wrote: I think the two can really be combined to work beautifully since design is the structure of everything. |
| i'll agree with that one. but to the best of my knowledge, there aren't any professional mathematicians as well as professional "graphic artists" (as one person combining the extremes of both professions), using Processing yet. i don't know if such a person exists, but there're certainly the grey people in between who want to reach into both bags of magic. i'd say that's what most of us are, with some variations along the scale from individual to individual. personally, i can only say that i love using some of the maths i learnt in high school. however, i do like learning new tricks by looking at how others do things, by reading articles and books, and by playing about. -jacob
Re: How many people using P_A are graphic artists?
« Reply #4 on: Jun 24th, 2003, 6:08pm » |
as casey says, it is rare that you start from scratch. in fact, it's often much later (than most expect) in the learning process that you actually get comfortable starting from scratch. definitely start by fiddling and see what changes. i learned programming by messing with other people's code to get it to do what i wanted. as i did more of this, i learned more about how the code actually worked. gradually, i got enough familiarity with that so i could start producing things on my own. the issue you bring up is why casey has done so much work with the examples. it's probably a bit like the difference between speaking and understanding a foreign language. it's much sooner that you can understand a foreign tongue (ie, read and mess with other peoples' code) than it is to speak it yourself (write code from scratch). processing itself is the child of many parental code units. the environment is a descendant of the work that casey and i did on design by numbers (dbn.media.mit.edu). the graphics engine is a combination of many things, including 1) an undergrad comp sci project to build a renderer (which, consequently is from a paper in graphics gems I) 2) the graphics engine used for the online version of anemone (acg.media.mit.edu/people/fry/anemone/applet) 3) even a bit of the graphics code i built for dbn. i spent a week fusing those projects together and that was the original version of bagel (seen at acg.media.mit.edu/people/fry/bagel) almost all this code will be rewritten or modified and enhanced, but that's just how software projects evolve.