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Topic: embedding EXIF data in saved images? (Read 5547 times) |
embedding EXIF data in saved images?
« on: Mar 7th, 2005, 11:24pm » |
Hi, Has anyone looked at adding EXIF data when they save their images from P5? For some of my work it would be helpful to add info about the parameters used to create the images within the image itself. I took a quick look around to see if there is an obvious solution for this and I didn't come across anything. steve
gmail.com w/ sspboyd username
Re: embedding EXIF data in saved images?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 1:43am » |
it's not supported by processing, or by extension, java for that matter (to my knowledge). however i know there are libraries out there for at least reading (and i assume writing) exif data into jpeg, a google search outta turn up something good. (for those not familiar, exif is the extra metadata that can be embedded into jpeg images, i.e. current digital cameras embed the date the picture was taken into the image, or fancier ones might store information about light settings or camera position)
Re: embedding EXIF data in saved images?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 7:12am » |
Hey Ben Out of curiosity, is it possible to store a virus into exif? Seems like it might be a security risk (data of a jpg not just describing a picture.. but more..).
Re: embedding EXIF data in saved images?
« Reply #3 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 1:41pm » |
as ben mentioned, there're a number of libraries available to embed this (and other formats of) metadata into a JPEG file. this can also be done to already existing files without compromising the image quality. the links below might be some good initial pointers to get you started, though some of them are not java based: http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/Computer/Digicams/exif-e.html http://www.exif.org/specifications.html http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/ http://www.koders.com/?s=exif&la=Java&li=* here's another (IMHO a lot more powerful) approach to handle image metadata, using RDF, either embedded like EXIF or stored in a separate file... http://jigsaw.w3.org/rdfpic/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpegrdf http://rdfweb.org/2002/01/photo/ this last link is a research project using RDF metadata and FOAF to do complex image searches. btw. check out the "6 degrees" demo trail at the bottom of the page... re: EXIF viruses - you can already store them in normal JPEG comment segments without the need for EXIF. there was a well known exploit of the (suprise, suprise!) microsoft "gdiplus.dll" library which made it possible to execute code of any length stored in jpeg comments with all priviledges... in general you can put code into any file. it's all down to the software environment dealing with the file if this code will be ignored or can "flourish". for example, email viruses would be very rare if a) people are more educated and b) don't use mail readers allowing content to execute code and c) companies don't employ business tactics making them political targets for virusses in the first place...
« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2005, 1:50pm by toxi » |
Re: embedding EXIF data in saved images?
« Reply #4 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 3:09pm » |
on Mar 8th, 2005, 7:12am, mflux wrote:Hey Ben Out of curiosity, is it possible to store a virus into exif Seems like it might be a security risk (data of a jpg not just describing a picture.. but more..). |
| adding to what toxi said... to my knowledge, there's nothing in the exif spec that includes code that is intended to be executed (it would be completely nutty if there were). this is the difference with viruses: there needs to be some piece of code that is marked to be run (rather than just read, like jpeg data) to begin its installation. so what toxi was describing is where there were bugs in the .dll used to read images on windows which allowed bits that were supposed to be just data (parts of the jpeg) be instead executed as actual code. this is the most common way that all that sort of thing propogates these days--via poorly written code that's susceptible to that type of breakage. (mind you, it's difficult to write secure and bug free code... for the latter part i can't throw stones because i live in a glass house the size of the bugs section of this board) so the answer to your question is no, but in practical terms, it's sometimes possible though it shouldn't be