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Topic: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (Read 7839 times) |
Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« on: Sep 21st, 2004, 11:24am » |
This is a scoop: The classic "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants" by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer (the "L" in "L-system") is now online as a PDF. ABOP is a beautiful explanation of L-systems in modelling any number of classic plant and tree systems. It's heavier on maths than on code, but is still easily understandable. http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/ Also available at the same address is the "Visual Models of Morphogenesis" (by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Mark Hammel, and Radomir Mech) which I am not familiar with but has information on reaction-diffusion systems, DLA, plant development etc. All in all, a treasure trove of information. I'm very excited to see that old classics are being put online as freely downloadable PDFs, I personally sweated blood to fork out $40 bucks for ABOP back when I was a poor CS student.
« Last Edit: Oct 18th, 2004, 11:17pm by amoeba » |
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #1 on: Sep 21st, 2004, 12:06pm » |
I should add that ABOP also has some gorgeous over-the-top raytraced crimes against humanity, or at least visual culture. But then that's part of the charm...
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #2 on: Sep 21st, 2004, 10:21pm » |
Wow this is really interesting, especially the part about the cellular layers and modeling. It'd be cool to see an entire plant structure modeled that way! Processing is making me learn so much more math and theoretical stuff. I was trying to lean POV-Ray last night, and I can see how people can get so caught up in it and start to render out all the cheesy mind's eye stuff. Anyways, thanks for posting this! Hehe I like the photo page where they're all in front of their favorite plant.
« Last Edit: Sep 21st, 2004, 10:24pm by skloopy » |
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #4 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 8:49pm » |
Oh yeah! I remember seeing your some of your work a long time ago before I found out about processing and graphics programming. I was totally amazed by it, especially the boxgrid stuff, and didn't know how you did it. Pov-Ray could be used for some really cool non-cheesy effects now that it has radiosity built in, and maybe with some kind of P5->Pov linkup. Like, it seems like Povray's worst point is that it's not interactive at all. But if there was a way to mock up a sketch in P5 and then render it in Povray.. hmmm
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #5 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 10:03pm » |
Glad you liked it. I actually did an interactive version of BoxGrid called BoxGridWorld.java. As for Processing and POV, it shouldn't be any harder to generate POV files than DXF (in fact quite the opposite). I've thought about it, but not had a practical occasion to do anything like that. I still like the look of POV renderings tho, so I might do it someday.
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #7 on: Oct 18th, 2004, 11:16pm » |
hi guillaume, Sorry, I missed your post to the thread first time around. The 3D model of the stair knot is nice, but the real sculptures are even better. Congratulations!
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #8 on: Oct 19th, 2004, 6:27pm » |
I'm glad that you liked it. I've a strong interest for the CODEWriter as your PSWriter. The Vec3D Class was helpfull to write the KnotStair applet in JAVA. I was working with PovRay at the time of the construction, but it was a pleasure to reWrite the sculpture in Java. In my work, I've to work with many type of 3D conversions. I didn't came out with an Universal tool for translation. It seems that every projects need his own conversion operation. I don't know if you had the same problem when you worked on the PSExpoter? When you have to export 3D models from Code, there's a lot of different ways to think a model and directly related to the way how you build your representation. There's the representation of the model (polyfaces, lines, points) and the construction of the model (plans, algorithms, rules of construction). To keep the spirit of a code, I think that you have to build your own exporter. In that way, the process of translation is also a way to think a project, to think the construction of a project rather than the representation. This is why I didn't used the well done Greenwold's DXFWriter when I was working on the Sculpture. The plans of the sculpture have nothing to do with what it looks ( http://ingallian.design.uqam.ca/goo/P55/StairKnot/KnotPlan.gif ). It act like a set of rules given to the craftman to build the form. In fact, we built the sculpture with a minimal set of plans (only one page was relevent). It tooks me a lot of work to understand the spirit of the form but we didn't had trouble of angles mesurements, building the sculpture was relatively easy.
« Last Edit: Oct 19th, 2004, 6:54pm by gll » |
guillaume LaBelle
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #9 on: Oct 19th, 2004, 6:28pm » |
I've a line defined by to points: P1(x,y,z) and P2(x,y,z). Code:// --( MEGAPOV LINE EXPORT EXAMPLE )-- mass { <-1.6200043,2.610641,-1.6746418>, <0,0,0>, 0.1 density 5000 } mass { <-1.8598697,2.0,-1.9443268>, <0,0,0>, 0.1 density 5000 } connection { 0, 1 stiffness 10000 damping 100 } |
| Code:;; --( AUTOLISP LINE EXPORT EXAMPLE )-- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (prompt "-----------------(oo)") (prompt " (Member): (62) (63)" ) (command "_-layer" "S" "LINES" "" ) (command "_line" "35.386593,-10.856841,31.041574" "33.89293,-8.8992605,58.289528" "" ) (setq Line1 (entlast)) (command "_rectang" "35.386593,-10.856841,31.041574" "@0.4,0.2" ) (setq Solid1 (entlast)) (command "_-layer" "S" "MEMBRURES" "" ) (command "_extrude" Solid1 "" "P" Line1 ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
guillaume LaBelle
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #10 on: Oct 19th, 2004, 7:02pm » |
Here's an another example using 3D conversion with AutoLISP. I wrote a sketch using Volumic Boolean operators. This is a small Video (DivX): http://ingallian.design.uqam.ca/goo/VDO/Architectone00/index.html This is a Mixture of Cellular Automatas Driven Form, the result is a kind of Boolean World. In that example, the boxes were exported with AutoLISP on some layers and Substracted or Added to the World with a set of rules.
guillaume LaBelle
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #11 on: Oct 22nd, 2004, 11:27am » |
wow... those papers are really great!!! gives me something to read in my spare time... Ron ...
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #12 on: Oct 22nd, 2004, 4:28pm » |
plants? check this: VECTORSTEGANOGRAPHY http://zirkeltraining.org/zt02/vs/ " With a botanical software simulating the growth of herbaceous plants, complex floral graphics are created not by drawing, but rather by "breeding" from a cluster of "genetic" information. As the computer can generate an infinite number of combinations of these plants - and re-create each of the shapes from the seed parameters - the graphic representations can be interpreted as carriers of hidden information, similar to the concept of hiding secret data in images ("steganography"). This concept could potentially be used to define a new generation of bar codes, e.g. to serialize precious objects with decorative laser engravings that double as a proof of authenticity and a hidden serial number. " max wolf is one of the ex-meso (VVVV) guys: http://meso.net and http://vvvv.meso.net/ /F
« Last Edit: Oct 22nd, 2004, 4:28pm by fjen » |
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #13 on: Oct 23rd, 2004, 7:17pm » |
on Oct 22nd, 2004, 4:28pm, fjen wrote: Zirkeltraining is an excellent project, great ideas uniting different approaches to design. So many bright people down in Frankfurt, must visit some day... PS. vvvv has launched a new beta and a new wiki-based web. Well worth the visit. m
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: Book online: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
« Reply #14 on: Oct 24th, 2004, 2:11am » |
well ... drop me a line i sure can arrange a place to sleep there. .. and i'm a good guide, ask david. /F