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Topic: OT: building a simple midi interface? (Read 2833 times) |

OT: building a simple midi interface?
« on: Feb 21st, 2005, 3:07am » |
Hello all This question might be a little off topic... I want to build a small knob - a potentiometer - that would send midi signal like a midi expression pedal - that would be connected to the computer feeding processing + a synth with information. Does anyone know where can I find schematics for building something like this? A circuit where the input is a potentiometer and the output a midi modulation? I haven't found a simple+cheap commercial solution available.... thanks (and sorry for being off topic, but this can be relevant to others...)
Re: OT: building a simple midi interface?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 21st, 2005, 3:45pm » |
Try the MidiTron, I bought one for something recently http://eroktronix.com/ 20 terminals for input and output. Simply wire up your potentiometer and plug into power, signal, ground on the MidiTron. Plug on a 5v battery and set-up analogue input on the MidiTron, turn the pot and you'll get a value of 0-127 going in via your midi connection (you need to buy cables and usb, or use joystick port). Theres a lot of information online about building your own midi interface.

Re: OT: building a simple midi interface?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 21st, 2005, 6:48pm » |
bx24, that's the part. Thanks for the replies...
blub Guest

Re: OT: building a simple midi interface?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 21st, 2005, 9:32pm » |
Hi, Maybe now already outdated for your request but, a less expensive solution (but some hours of soldering): http://www.ucapps.de ...search for midibox16 16 inputs analog.... Build one myself...but not tested it in processing..although it works great with Max/MSP. Or if you want a smaller version...pm me! I can probably program some PIC for you.. greet, Erik

Re: OT: building a simple midi interface?
« Reply #5 on: Feb 22nd, 2005, 7:25pm » |
thanks... I think I found exactly what I need, in a low budget... http://www.maxmidi.com/diy/foot/