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Topic: PdeException? (Read 1284 times) |
« on: Feb 21st, 2005, 8:37pm » |
I'm having difficulty working with Serial communications. I continually get the following error: PdeException: another program is already using the serial port. I cannot figure out why since no other program is running. Any suggestions?
blub Guest

Re: PdeException?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 21st, 2005, 9:25pm » |
Hi, Need some more specs to answer properly! What system? which OS? what port? Version of processing? Startup with run.bat on Windows? installed rxtx (version 2.1_6) on Mac & executed the serial_setup.command? Erik
Re: PdeException?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 22nd, 2005, 1:30am » |
Erik, Mac 1.5 Ghz G4 512 MB DDR SDRAM OSX v. 10.3.6 Processing 0068 Alpha Keyspan Serial Adapter USA-19HS Thanks for your response. I ran the serial_setup.command and I think it did the trick. I'm using Zterm to see if any serial data is passing through the port. Zterm does not find the port but the led on the adapter blinks very quickly, which makes me think that data is being sent. Here is the code I'm using: byte[] data = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; void setup() { beginSerial(); } void loop() { // Write the sequence stored in // the array data to the serial port serialWrite(data); } Ultimately,I'm using Processing as sub-system of a larger system. I simply need to send a boolean value serially to a microprocessor. I want to make sure I am able to send serial data via the Keyspan adapter before I go any futher. Thanks for the response. Feel free to share any insight in regards to Processing and serial communicaitons, I'm new at this. Thanks, Vincent
Re: PdeException?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 22nd, 2005, 4:27pm » |
this is described in detail in the file "readme.txt" under the section "mac os x". serial port.. we use rxtx (version 2.1_6) to handle serial i/o, which is included with the processing release. unlike previous releases (anything before 57), it no longer requires separate installation. however, if this is the first time you're using rxtx, you'll need to run serial_setup.command (double-click it and follow the instructions) to make sure that things are properly set up (a few permissions need to be changed). if you're getting a "serial port is already in use by another application" it's possible that you haven't run this script. you may also need to reboot after running the script. on my machine, i installed the keyspan driver for my usb-serial converter, ran the script, and then rebooted in order for things to work. in the past, i've used a keyspan 28X dual port adapter, and the selection i use on the serial port menu reads "/dev/cu.USA28X21P1.1". you'll probably have something similar. don't mind the frightening names.