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Topic: Mouse Wheel Scrolling (Read 801 times) |
Mouse Wheel Scrolling
« on: Oct 11th, 2003, 12:59am » |
Not sure that this is really a bug. It could easily be a feature request, or, (likely) an error on my part. The processing editor is not responding to my scroll wheel on os x (10.2. . After looking through the discourse history, it looked like the Java VM version was critical to this. System.getProperty("java.vm.version") turns up 1.4.1_01-23, and that seems to be the VM i would want for scrolling. Also i noticed in the .properties file an entry for the number of lines to scroll by. Uncommenting and chaning this didn't seem to help either. It seems like a silly thing to be bugged by, but I'm surprised how much I have come to rely on the scroll wheel. Anyone have experience activating wheel scrolling? Any tips? Thanks, Justin
Re: Mouse Wheel Scrolling
« Reply #1 on: Oct 14th, 2003, 10:45pm » |
from the readme: mouse wheel support only works if you're using java 1.4. the latest version of java will be available via the software update control panel. (actually this paragraph is only relevant if you want to try java 1.4, since we wound up using 1.3 as the default for release 5 if you're having random troubles (exceptions being thrown, screen painting weirdness, general confusion) you might want to try running processing with java 1.3.1 instead of java 1.4. to do so, right-click or control-click the processing application and select "Show Package Contents". go to Contents -> Resources -> and then open MRJApp.properties in a text editor. remove the # from this line: com.apple.mrj.application.JVMVersion=1.3.1 and add a # in front of this line: com.apple.mrj.application.JVMVersion=1.3+ so if you've done that, and System.getProperty("java.vm.version") in the p5 environment turns up 1.4, then that would be a bug. is that the case?
Re: Mouse Wheel Scrolling
« Reply #2 on: Oct 17th, 2003, 2:45am » |
Just since you ask, i have not changed the MRJApp.properties, so no bug. BTW, I have not run into any problems like you describe using 1.4.1. It was my understanding (from the readme you point to) that 1.4 should support wheel scrolling, and not 1.3, so i didn't attemt to change it. Is this understanding correct? (i imagine 1.4.1 should work where 1.4 would work, is this an issue?) I'm using 65 Alpha.
Re: Mouse Wheel Scrolling
« Reply #3 on: Oct 18th, 2003, 7:28pm » |
yeah, 1.4 (by which i mean 1.4.1, sorry for the confusion) is supposed to, however i noticed that i'm not compiling in the 1.4 stuff into the mac version anymore, meaning that even if you use 1.4, it won't properly load the wheel mouse stuff. so that's a bug.. i'll fix it. maybe it's time to get 1.4 another shot too..
Re: Mouse Wheel Scrolling
« Reply #4 on: Mar 22nd, 2004, 2:18pm » |
just got a patch for this from jonathan feinberg, so it'll be in 69. thanks jonathan!