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After much hacking I have made a sketch that does frame accurate interactive video playback. I based this on tips and code from the older processing forums. BUT - it only works in processing 1.5.1 I had to use various workarounds, and I don't know why they work. It is something to do with the conversion from time in seconds to an accurate frame number. A limitation of the jump() command.
I'm posting this code in the hope that it might help others and maybe to find a solution that works in Processing 3.x
here's the code with lots of comments and link to a reliable test video:
An example of frame accurate interactive video playback
Tested working for frame accurate interactive viewing of videos at 25fps and 30fps - any length.
This only works in processing 1.5.1
I cannot get it working in newer versions of Processing
This is probably due to the switch to the gstreamer library
Easiest way to check it's working is to use a movie file with the
correct frame number printed on each frame so you can spot skipping frames
as you use the keys: -/+ to navigate.
The suitable video for this sketch (with it's numbered frames) can be d/ld here:
import processing.video.*;
Movie myMovie;
float movieFps=30.00;//fps of the movie - please set to match your movie file
float advanceLength = 1/(movieFps-0.01);//get length of one frame in seconds - and subtract 0.01 (why -0.01 I don't know??)
//this movie is 30fps - but sketch is only accurate if we declare fps as 29.99fps - why??
void setup()
size(640, 320, P2D);//P2D needed for processing 1.5.--
//size(640, 320);//use this method in processing 2.++ - no more P2D
//load a movie with visible framenumbers - makes it easier to check accuracy
myMovie = new Movie(this, "100_Numbered_frames_30fps.mov"); //see link at top for video source
myMovie.loop();//play the movie
myMovie.speed(0);//best way to stop the movie - pause() halts the thread - so we must use speed(0)
void movieEvent(Movie myMovie)
void draw()
image(myMovie, 0, 0, width, height);
void keyPressed()
{ //use - / + keys to go back and forward one frame
if (key == '-')
if (myMovie.time() < advanceLength)//if movie time < 1 frame jump to start of movie (another hack needed to make it work)
myMovie.jump((myMovie.time() - advanceLength) % 0);
} else
{//for some reason this only works accurately if we jump backwards then forward one frame
myMovie.jump((myMovie.time() - advanceLength) % myMovie.duration());
myMovie.jump((myMovie.time() + advanceLength) % myMovie.duration());
if (key == '=')
//jump forward by one frame
myMovie.jump((myMovie.time() + advanceLength) % myMovie.duration());
Here's my attempt in processing 3.x - this adds the changes to be compatible with the gstreamer video library - since you cannot set speed(0)