how can i set game icon(which is app icon)?

edited February 2017 in Android Mode

how can i set game icon(which is app icon)?


  • edited February 2017

    Edit: didn't see that this was an Android question. My answer may not be relevant. If not, check out the Wallpaper section of the Android Reference documentation:

    game wallpaper

    Do you mean a background image? Use background():

    Here is a background image with cursor-controlled red square on top:

    PImage img;
    void setup(){
      img = loadImage("");
    void draw(){
  • Actually, I asked wrong question. The question is how can i set game icon(which is app icon)?

  • Setting custom icons

    Android mode uses a set of default launcher icons for the app. You should use your own icons for release by creating the files icon-32, 48, 72, 96, 144, and 192 in .PNG format, and placing them in the sketch's folder before exporting the signed package. Follow the icon design guidelines from Google in order to create your icons.

  • i didnt understand how to do

  • edited February 2017

    There should be an easy way

  • edited February 2017

    Hi guys, I tried last night to setup the icon and I did it by putting my icon in the sketch folder (pressing ctrl+k). the way to do it:

    [1] Design your icon.

    [2] Then generate the following icons from your original icon and make sure you save it as a .png file type. Generate 6 icons with the following resolutions in pixels:



    96x96 72x72



    [3] Names those icons as icon-36.png






    (I am guessing the name convention follow the manifest... for somebody to test)

    [4]Move these files into the sketch folder (no the data folder).

    [5]Compile your project and check your new app icon.

    I hope this helps,


    This is what you posted. ın the 4. step where should ı move files into the sketch folder if it is not data folder ?


  • Answer ✓

    Related to point 4, store your images inside the sketch folder. Press ctrl+k in the processing IDE to open the sketch folder. It is there where the icon images need to be located before you compile your app.


  • it is changed.. thank you :)

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