We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
void setup(){ size(500,500,P2D);
PGraphics3D pgOK = (PGraphics3D) createGraphics(width,height,OPENGL); pgOK.beginDraw(); pgOK.background(255); pgOK.endDraw(); println(pgOK.pixels == null); //false pgOK.dispose(); }
void draw(){ PGraphics3D pgErr = (PGraphics3D) createGraphics(width,height,OPENGL); pgErr.beginDraw(); pgErr.background(255); pgErr.endDraw(); println(pgErr.pixels == null); //true pgErr.dispose(); noLoop(); }
when save to an image file, it always get a totally black image, when convert to BufferedImage it's the same result!