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I want to send the points in SOM on Processing to Grasshopper. original code is here http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/35030 . I have installed the hypermedia library, however I cannot pick the message to send. Is hypermedia only works with toxiclips? in ghowl example there is a method like (example files can be found on http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/ghowl ):
void sendMessage(){
message = "";
for(VerletParticle2D p: physics.particles){
message = message + p + ",";
udps.send( message, ip, port );
What I should write in 'for' paranthesis? I try to write
for(Fly swarm: ?????).
Thanks by now.
thanks for advice. Now I arrange the code but I get the error : NoSuchMethod
![Screenshot 2015-03-13 20.05.40 Screenshot 2015-03-13 20.05.40](http://forum.processing.org/two/uploads/imageupload/365/L4WG471YXOHT.png)
It is useless to show screenshots of textual information.
They are hardly readable, too big (KB) and not searchable.
Have you the UDP library? Do you import it?