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Hi! I'm new to the forum and would love your help. I have a sketch that plays video. It uses this basic Processing video code: https://processing.org/reference/libraries/video/Movie.html
It works perfectly in "java" but will not work in "javascript" mode. I'd like to put this sketch online, either via OpenProcessing.org or on my own website. I can do this for my other sketches, but not for sketches that include video files.
My questions:
(1) Is there code that works for playing videos in javascript mode? Where can I find this?
(2) If not, is there a preferred method for putting java sketches (with video!) online? Is this possible?
Thank you!! ~LZ
Of course, you'll have to code in JavaScript or in some other language which transpiles into it,
like CoffeeScript or TypeScript though! :-<
I'll check out p5js -- thank you!