A few ideas for GSOC

Hi my name is Patrick Ryan, I’m a fourth year Software Engineering student. I started using processing about three years ago. I’ve been playing with the source for the last two months. I have a few ideas and was hoping for feedback about usefulness or priority of my proposal ideas.

1) I saw on the project list that libraries used to connect with MS Kinect need to be updated. To my understanding processing only supports the Kinect v1. Would it be useful to extend support to the Kinect v2 as well as update the old v1 libraries? Would this scope of this project be large enough for GSOC?

2)I’ve been working with machine learning and music analysis at school. Do you think extending processing-sound's ability to work with music analysis would be useful? Adding features like chord detection, dissonance measurement, onset detection, beat tracking, etc.

3)I haven't studied the python variant of processing as much, but I'm interested in helping maintain it. I'm not sure how to go about framing it as a project. Is there anything processing.py is in dire need of? Maybe a simplified machine learning or data analysis library specifically catered to processing.py?

I will continue brainstorming, i thought a little feedback would be useful in pushing me in the right direction.


  • Patrick,

    Thanks for your interest!

    Working on kinect libraries for Processing would fit the scope of GSOC. At the moment, I maintain an old library for the kinect 1414. I'd like to update this library to work with as many versions of the Kinect as possible. You'll want to learn how libfreenect works and how to use JNA.

    For sound, please take a look at the new sound library.

    Also, we are happy to accept multiple proposals if you have more than one idea (note the GSOC limit is 5). You can only be selected to work on one proposal, however.


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