We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I've created a library for drawing Hershey line fonts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hershey_font
We use it for rendering line fonts for drawbots. Polarbot SE draws only the outlines of common fonts. Thus we needed line fonts.
I tried to make the interface compatible PFont. Thus text is simply drawn by writing hf.text("Hello", 0, 0);
The library directly draws the font as vertices. But it also creates PShape of a string. SVG export works great with P8gGraphicsSVG.
Example: import de.ixdhof.hershey.*;
HersheyFont hf;
void setup()
size(925, 500, P3D);
hf = new HersheyFont(this, "cursive.jhf");
void draw()
translate(100, height/3);
hf.text("Hello", 0, 0);
Website: http://ixd-hof.de/processing_hersheyfont/
Source Code: https://github.com/ixd-hof/HersheyFont
Here are two pictures of the library in use: