Game: Computer has to guess an animal

edited February 2015 in Share Your Work

in this game you think of an animal that the Computer has to guess.

He asks you questions (yes/no-questions) that you have to answer.

From your answers he can then propose an animal from his knowledge base.

You have to say if it was the correct animal.

When you download it and run it offline, the computer can learn new animals.

Chrisir ;-)



  • Decent game to pass time with and fun to play with others

  • edited February 2015

    it's a classic

    probably more aimed at children

    but I like it that it actually learns

    • thank you for your words.
  • I was having fun with it and the learning component is pretty cool,I will try inserting so many animals and see how that works

  • thank you very much...

    I was thinking about that too...

    How would you asks for birds? I mean like eagle? Do they live on land?

    Where would you put the extinct animals?

    I hope my tree / graph is correct so far, otherwise we have to edit it...


  • I Will let you know

  • @Chrisir have you made or know of anyone that have made a chatbot type of sketch? your game looks like it has the building blocks to such

  • edited June 2016

    One guy wanted to do a chatbot with hard coded questions and answers - see forum here (or last one?)

    Also look at libraries

    This animal game can not Talk about the animal properties because they are hidden in a tree.

  • @Jai: I made a chatbot now - check it out:

    He has knowledge about religions and about animals. And maths.

    Computer: Hi
    Human: Who’s the founder of Judaism?
    Computer: The Hebrew leader Abraham founded Judaism around 2000 B.C. Moses gave the Jews the Torah around 1250 B.C.
    Human: What are the regions of Islam?
    Computer: Islam is the main religion of the Middle East, Asia, and the north of Africa.
    Human: What types of Buddhism are there?
    Computer: Theravada (Way of the Elders) and Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) are the two main types.
    Human: Who is the founder of Hinduism?
    Computer: Hinduism has no founder. The oldest religion, it may date to prehistoric times.
    Human: What is the Bible in Islam?
    Computer: The Koran is the sacred book of Islam.
    Human: What is the holy writing in Christianity?
    Computer: The Bible is the main sacred text of Christianity.
    Human: god in Islam?
    Computer: One
    Human: How many gods are there in Hinduism?
    Computer: Many (all gods and goddesses are considered different forms of one Supreme Being.)
    Human: interesting.
    Computer: A man who has his faith is blessed. 
    Human: How fast is a cat?
    Computer: 30 mph.
    Human: Yes.
    Computer: It's amazing how fast some animals are... 
    Human: What time is it?
    Computer: 23:39
    Human: What is 3 x 4 ? 
    Computer: 12
    Human: What is this times 3 ?
    Computer: 36
    Human: Yes
    Computer: Math always comes easy to me. 
    Human: What is 3 X 4?
    Computer: 12
    Human: What is 3 * 4?
    Computer: 12
    Human: What is 3 times 4?
    Computer: 12
    Human: What is this times 3 ? 
    Computer: 36
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