Processing.rb - Create and run sketches written in Ruby easily

edited February 2015 in Create & Announce Tools

Hi. I released a tool which enables you to run sketches written in Ruby.

There are already several similar tools, but this tool have some unique features:

  • Consists of a single file with about two hundred lines of code and easy to extend by yourself
  • Requires no configuration file and detects Processing-related files automatically on both Mac and Windows
  • Reloads the sketch file and used modules automatically when the related files are updated
  • Available to use extension libraries for Processing with just adding a few line code in the same way as Processing
  • Provides useful functions for live coding, such as setting the window position and showing it in the topmost

Here are screenshots of the examples of Processing.rb:






I hope you enjoy it.


  • Nice, I have been using ruby-processing. Is there a reason to build your own version ? You could contribute to ruby-processing. I really thing live coding in ruby with Processing can be big in a near future :)

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