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I am trying to mirror the feed from a webcam stream object made by createCapture(). Is there a way to flip an image along the y axis? I tried both scale(-1,1), and image(capture,0,0,-width,height) to no avail.
Thanks, Miles
Instead of:
Thanks! Strangely, this only works half of the time. As in, I refresh the page, and roughly 1/2 times the capture feed will be mirrored correctly. This is my code, and I'm testing it on Firefox:
I have no idea what lines 10, 14, and 15 are doing in there.
Oh my mistake, I should have explained that.
In the cases when the mirroring doesn't work (roughly 1/2 times I run the code), images drawn outside of push() pop() seem to be mirrored correctly. I drew capture outside of push() pop() to demonstrate that.
As far as I know, p5.js doesn't support pushMatrix() and popMatrix(), only push and pop.
The bug (?) should still occur without line 15.