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is there supposed to be no audio enabled while running the minim offlineAnalysis example? if so, do i need to create and audioPlayer to run concurrently?
* This sketch demonstrates two ways to accomplish offline (non-realtime) analysis of an audio file.<br>
* The first method, which uses an AudioSample, is what you see running.<br>
* The second method, which uses an AudioRecordingStream and is only available in Minim Beta 2.1.0 and beyond,<br>
* can be viewed by looking at the offlineAnalysis.pde file.
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.spi.*;
Minim minim;
float[][] spectra;
void setup()
size(512, 400, P3D);
minim = new Minim(this);
void analyzeUsingAudioRecordingStream()
int fftSize = 1024;
AudioRecordingStream stream = minim.loadFileStream("jingle.mp3", fftSize, false);
// tell it to "play" so we can read from it.
// create the fft we'll use for analysis
FFT fft = new FFT( fftSize, stream.getFormat().getSampleRate() );
// create the buffer we use for reading from the stream
MultiChannelBuffer buffer = new MultiChannelBuffer(fftSize, stream.getFormat().getChannels());
// figure out how many samples are in the stream so we can allocate the correct number of spectra
int totalSamples = int( (stream.getMillisecondLength() / 1000.0) * stream.getFormat().getSampleRate() );
// now we'll analyze the samples in chunks
int totalChunks = (totalSamples / fftSize) + 1;
println("Analyzing " + totalSamples + " samples for total of " + totalChunks + " chunks.");
// allocate a 2-dimentional array that will hold all of the spectrum data for all of the chunks.
// the second dimension if fftSize/2 because the spectrum size is always half the number of samples analyzed.
spectra = new float[totalChunks][fftSize/2];
for(int chunkIdx = 0; chunkIdx < totalChunks; ++chunkIdx)
println("Chunk " + chunkIdx);
println(" Reading...");
stream.read( buffer );
println(" Analyzing...");
// now analyze the left channel
fft.forward( buffer.getChannel(0) );
println(" Copying...");
// and copy the resulting spectrum into our spectra array
for(int i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
spectra[chunkIdx][i] = fft.getBand(i);
// how many units to step per second
float cameraStep = 100;
// our current z position for the camera
float cameraPos = 0;
// how far apart the spectra are so we can loop the camera back
float spectraSpacing = 50;
void draw()
float dt = 1.0 / frameRate;
cameraPos += cameraStep * dt;
// jump back to start position when we get to the end
if ( cameraPos > spectra.length * spectraSpacing )
cameraPos = 0;
// render the spectra going back into the screen
for(int s = 0; s < spectra.length; s++)
float z = s * spectraSpacing;
// don't draw spectra that are behind the camera or too far away
if ( z > cameraPos - 150 && z < cameraPos + 2000 )
for(int i = 0; i < spectra[s].length-1; ++i )
line(-256 + i, spectra[s][i]*25, z, -256 + i + 1, spectra[s][i+1]*25, z);
camera( 200, 100, -200 + cameraPos, 75, 50, cameraPos, 0, -1, 0 );
void stop()