Which Java version does Processing use on my Mac

edited March 2019 in How To...

I am using a Mac with OS X 10.8.5 running on it.

When I got to "System Preferences / Java / Java Control Panel / Update" it displays that "Java 8-Update 31" is installed.

When I open a Terminal and enter "java -version" it displays java version "1.6.0_65".

Which java version does Processing use to compile and execute code.



  • Try this and see what prints out:

    void setup(){
  • Using KevinWorkman's code I got 1.7.0_55

    I am using OSX 10.9.5

  • edited January 2015
    size(600, 400, P2D);
    background((color) random(#000000));
    println( "\n" + isGL() + "\n" );
    println( javaVersionName );
    println( System.getProperty("java.home")  + "\n" );
    println( System.getProperty("os.arch") );
    println( System.getProperty("os.name") );
    println( System.getProperty("os.version") + "\n" );
    println( System.getProperty("user.home") );
    println( System.getProperty("user.dir")   + "\n" );
    println( sketchPath );
    println( dataPath("") );
    println( dataFile("") );
    println("\n===[ General Info ]===\n");
    println("OPENGL_VENDOR: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.OPENGL_VENDOR);
    println("OPENGL_RENDERER: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.OPENGL_RENDERER);
    println("OPENGL_VERSION: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.OPENGL_VERSION);
    println("GLSL_VERSION: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.GLSL_VERSION);
    println("\n===[ Supported Features ]===\n");
    println("anisoSamplingSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.anisoSamplingSupported);
    println("autoMipmapGenSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.autoMipmapGenSupported);
    println("blendEqSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.blendEqSupported);
    println("fboMultisampleSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.fboMultisampleSupported);
    println("npotTexSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.npotTexSupported);
    println("packedDepthStencilSupported: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.packedDepthStencilSupported);
    println("maxSamples: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.maxSamples);
    println("maxTextureSize: " + PGraphicsOpenGL.maxTextureSize + "\n");
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