im trying to do a basic program usin processing ide
here goes the code:
//The MIT License (MIT) - See Licence.txt for details
//Copyright (c) 2013 Mick Grierson, Matthew Yee-King, Marco Gillies
Maxim maxim;
AudioPlayer player;
void setup()
size(640, 960);
maxim = new Maxim(this);
player = maxim.loadFile("mykbeat.wav");
void draw()
// code that happens every frame
void mouseDragged()
// code that happens when the mouse moves
// with the button down
void mousePressed()
// code that happens when the mouse button
// is pressed
void mouseReleased()
// code that happens when the mouse button
// is released
no !!! even the examples are not working!!!!!!
This is the error. I am using Processing 2.1 on Windows 7 64bit. Java working fine. The environment variables are also set properly.
ps. The "screenshot" you uploaded has such a low resolution that it is impossible to read what's there. I had to spend like couple of minutes deciphering "Error from inside Android Tools, chekc the console".
maybe lose some lib, try to add lib at sketch menu, import lib...
do you have java properly installed?
or show your code, do you use special java commands?
im trying to do a basic program usin processing ide here goes the code:
how to solve the error???
Do you have the Maxim API code in the same folder as this code? And your .wav file in a "Data" folder inside the project folder?
Do you have this error only when running this sketch? Can you run a sketch coming with Processing? (the examples)
no !!! even the examples are not working!!!!!!
This is the error. I am using Processing 2.1 on Windows 7 64bit. Java working fine. The environment variables are also set properly.
looks like you're using this Maxim library from the crappy coursera course on digital media.
There were templates for sketches for android programs:
If you want to run "Maxim" based code on android you need to use this template.
Looks like what you're doing now, is just using Java-mode version of maxim and of course it doesn't compile on android.
Here's direct link to android template android tempalte for maxim based apps
ps. The "screenshot" you uploaded has such a low resolution that it is impossible to read what's there. I had to spend like couple of minutes deciphering "Error from inside Android Tools, chekc the console".
im really sorry for the image sir. so what is actually going wrong !! please tell me .
i tried the template which u gave .... im getting the same error...please do help me out!!!
@dimkir sir even the examples provided in processing are also not getting the same error...pls do help !!!
Are there any other errors in the "console"? For example if you scroll the console up?
You may also find useful to skim through the posts in the old android forum: