[beginner] - simple pixelate algorithm hangs

edited January 2015 in Questions about Code

This is a very simple pixelation algorithm using the pixel array. When I run the program without the outer for loop (yL) the program successfully handles a single row, though it seems slow. When I add this loop back in, the program hangs, will not finish, and I have to shut it down using Task Manager. I am sure there is something simple and fundamental here, perhaps how I am using the pixel array and the loadPixels(), updatePixels() methods?

any help is very appreciated, B

PImage myImg;
color white1 = #FFFFFF;
color skyBlue = #6092F1;
color rgbRed = #FF0000;
color rgbBlue = #0000FF;
int pixSize = 50;
float threshold = 180.0;

void setup() {

  size (1280, 720);
  myImg = loadImage("img-200.tif");
  image (myImg,0,0);
  pixelate (myImg, rgbRed, rgbBlue, pixSize);


void pixelate (PImage pic, color color1, color color2, int pSize) {

  int c1Count = 0;
  int c2Count = 0;
  int pos = 0;


  // two outer loops handle rows and columns of cells - each cell size is determined by pixSize

  for (int yL = 0; yL < pic.height; yL += pSize) {
    for (int xL = 0; xL < pic.width; xL += pSize) {

      pos = ((yL * pic.width) + xL);

      // two inner loops handle each pixel in each cell

      for (int yS = 0; yS < pSize; yS++) {
        for (int xS = 0; xS < pSize; xS++) {

          color p = pic.pixels[pos + (yS * pic.width) + xS];

          // just using red component to determine pixel's brighness

          if (((red(p)) > threshold)) {
          } else {

      // rectangles used instead of changing each pixel's color

      if (c1Count > c2Count) {
        noStroke ();
        fill (color1);
        rect(xL, yL, pSize, pSize);         
      } else {
        fill (color2);
        rect(xL, yL, pSize, pSize);    
      c1Count = 0;
      c2Count = 0;





  • edited January 2015 Answer ✓

    try with a small image, I think it's just slow... because 4 for-loops.........

  • Answer ✓

    With some pre-calculation you could reduce the algorithm to just two (possibly three) loops, although the maths would need some thought if the image width and/or height was not a multiple of the pixelate size.

    Also you could access the pixel ARGB color data directly rather than using the red(), green() ... methods, this would improve the speed greatly.

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