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Hi all, VERY new to Processing. Have been playing around with a few Arduino boards and have modified code to support my own circuitry. But now I want to move over to processing for my interfaces and have been running into a problem with the INCLUDE directive. For instance I have some code I'd like to try but I can't get by the # include Servo.h; line. I have this library in Arduino and have used this directive with no issues, but I can't get Processing to see it. What is the way to get Processing to see and use libraries?
Joe B
Processing in "Java Mode" is based on Java language, not C/C++! :-B
First, I appreciate the comment but I don't have a clue WHERE to get the C/C++ mode because it sure isn't in Processing that I could find. I need a little more than information to get up and running.
Thanks, joeb
Where have you seen there is a C/C++ mode? Because I don't recall any mention of it.
I know you are new to this forum but if you want an answer to your problem it is probably a good idea to make sure that the you post it in the right category and make the title is appropriate.
There is a categoy for Arduino questions and I am sure if you ask about setting up Arduino with Processing someone there could help you.
Arduino is based on C++ (or C) and Processing is based on Java
use arduino ide to program arduino. it 's C/ C++
to receive data from arduino use processing ide. It's Java / processing code. Not C here.
so basically you need to learn two different languages. but quite similar and easy!
please take a look in the forum/arduino section - lots of examples for arduino plus processing.
like this e.g.
Once again, THANKS for the replies! The code in the forum link from Chrsir cleared a lot up!