Unable to install Android mode for processing 2.2.1

edited December 2014 in Android Mode

I've got processing 2.2.1 installed and working on a Mac OS X 10.10.1. In the default installation there is no Android mode available. So I followed the instructions on the wiki https://github.com/processing/processing-android/wiki to add it. To summarize, I:

(1) Downloaded the Android SDK

(2) Followed Google's instructions for adding Platforms and Packages as described

(3) Used bash_profile to append two more directories onto the bash PATH as described

(4) Logged out and back in to ensure that PATH was active in all my shells

Unfortunately there is no "Android" option under the modes menu of processing 2.2.1

I suspect that there may be an important missing step in the wiki instructions, namely to clone the processing-android GIT repo, here: https://github.com/processing/processing-android.git and stick the files in the correct place. Is that right?

Thinking that this might be the problem, I tried cloning the processing-android GIT and putting the directory (renamed "android") under /Applications/Processing.app/Contents/Java/modes/. But I still didn't find any new options under the processing pull-down mode menu, only the default CoffeeScript, JavaScript and Python modes.

I'd be grateful for suggestions. I have googled a bit, and found about other types of installation problems, but not anything as basic as this.

Cheers, Bruce



  • Use the AndroidMode.zip file available from the releases page instead of cloning the (source) repository. The compressed directory is correctly named and can be placed in the modes folder. Note: You should put modes in the Sketchbook modes folder, not Processing's installation modes folder!! (I don't know where this is located on a Mac...)

  • You can find the Sketchbook modes folder by running Processing and selecting Processing>Preferences. On a Mac it is typically /Users/username/Documents/Processing

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