Tweak mode with mouse wheel, not left button drag

edited December 2014 in Questions about Modes


I have been playing around with Tweak Mode, and I think it is very interesting. However, I have been having troubles with the left button drag overshooting or undershooting the exact value I would like to substitute for a hard coded number. It takes several attempts to get the desired value, if at all. Is there a technique I should be using, or should Tweak Mode be modified to use the middle mouse wheel instead? My knowledge of building projects is rusty. How would I modify Tweak Mode in ECLIPSE and get that modified code to work with Processing?



  • edited December 2014

    Hi Chrisir,

    I am new to the forum, and I am having a concern with you response to my post. I am just seeing a copy of my original post. Please clarify.


  • edited December 2014 Answer ✓

    Craig, don't indent your paragraphs: it won't be seen in a browser, and it displays your messages as code, which is annoying. I fixed that for you. I think that's what Chrisir tried to do too. I will delete his message as it became redundant.

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