enableScene() does not exiest...??

edited March 2016 in Kinect


I am totally new to Processing. I am using SimpleOpenNI library to get the silhouette from the kinect camera. I am using kinect 1.8 SDK. Kinect Camera is already connected.

I taking reference from this link : http://www.creativeapplications.net/processing/kinect-physics-tutorial-for-processing/

But still it gives me the error as "the function enableScene() does not exist." Any help will be appreciated.

Thank You.


  • Hi, Use enableUser() method, instead of enableScene() method.

  • Hi Archana11,

    Thanks alot for your quick reply. It solves my error but it has generated another error "sceneImage() does not exist"

    Any Idea???

    Thank You

  • edited December 2014

    for that, you must make enabled depth or rgb frame in setup() function.

            void setup(){
            kinect=new SimpleOpenNI(this);

    and use kinect.depthImage() instead

  • Hey thanks alot Archana11 its starts working.. thnaks alot.

  • Hi all,

    I know this thread is kinda old but could somebody please be so kind to help me out with this also. I'm following the same tutorial as the OP, but even with the hints above I can't figure it out.

    Archana11 says to use kinect.depthImage() instead. But instead of what? All I get is a "Cannot find anything named "kinect" error. Maybe somebody can be so kind to put the working script up? It's really frustrating. After doing Processing tutorials for over a year I can move some circles over the screen but this leaves me clueless...

    Thanks so much!

  • Since setup is assigning a new SimpleOpenNI objct to the kinect variable, one could assume that the kinect variable is defined globally as a SimpleOpenNI object... Following the link in the original post, there's a tutorial, and the first block of code is a sample that uses a SimpleOpenNI object too...

    So... try this?

    import SimpleOpenNI.*;
    SimpleOpenNI kinect;
    PImage cam;
    void setup() {
      size(640, 480);
      kinect = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
    void draw() {
      cam = kinect.sceneImage().get();
      image(cam, 0, 0);
  • Thanks so much for your help! I really really appreciate it! Unfortunately it says the function sceneImage doesn't exist. Please help me understand this. For example where do the functions enableUser, enableDepth etc come from? Are they described in the SimpleOpenNI file? How come the original code doesn't work? Thanks again!

  • Yes, these are methods that relate to the SimpleOpenNI object. To learn what they are and what they do, you should probably read the documentation and example for the SimpleOpenNI library...

  • edited March 2016

    thanks again. I figured it out thanks to this blogpost, which was quite insightful:http://www.chloechen.io/kinect-silhouette-and-kinect-stipple-cam-using-processing/ apparently sceneImage() doesn't exist anymore as of version 1.96. It has to be replaced by userImage(). Also, Processing v3 is a no go. It only works in v2.

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