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Hey, I just have a question having to do with processing. I'm working on a memory game and the hardest problem I am having right now is getting the images to appear. I have a MouseClicked function, however, the picture will change no matter where I hit on the screen. I'm trying to get it so the picture will only change if you press the mouse on the certain area. Here's my code so far:
// Load images and sounds
var img;
var loadImage;
function preload()
img = loadImage("bird.jpg");
img = loadImage("dog.jpg");
img = loadImage("fox.jpg");
img = loadImage("cat.jpg");
img = loadImage("hipp.jpg");
img = loadImage("quogga.jpg");
// Run once at the start
function setup() {
var canvas = createCanvas(1000, 800);
background (100,200,100);
// Run forever after setup
function draw() {
rect (150,100,100,150);
rect (350,100,100,150);
rect (550,100,100,150);
rect (750,100,100,150);
rect (150,300,100,150);
rect (350,300,100,150);
rect (550,300,100,150);
rect (750,300,100,150);
rect (150,500,100,150);
rect (350,500,100,150);
rect (550,500,100,150);
rect (750,500,100,150);
function mouseClicked(){
loadImage("quogga.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,100,100,150);})
loadImage("quogga.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,300,100,150);})
loadImage("dog.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,100,100,150);})
loadImage("dog.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,500,100,150);})
loadImage("bird.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,100,100,150);})
loadImage("bird.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,500,100,150);})
loadImage("fox.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,300,100,150);})
loadImage("fox.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,100,100,150);})
loadImage("cat.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,500,100,150);})
loadImage("cat.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,300,100,150);})
loadImage("hipp.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,300,100,150);})
loadImage("hipp.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,500,100,150);})
Thanks again in advance!
first edit your post: select entire code and hit ctrl-k
empty lines before and after
when mousePressed in thisfunction say
see examples
Chose a category and formatted code for you, but try to do it yourself next time.
this is actually more complicate than you might think
I suggest you read a bit into arrays
you can store x and y coords of all rects in 2 different parallel arrays
a third array might tell you if one card is opened (boolean)
a 4th array might hold the images
load all images in setup
when displaying the images loop over the arrays, use 3rd to determine whether rect or image is to be shown. When image, use array 4.
when mousepressed, for-loop over all arrays and check them, similar to what I did above. When card is found, open it (set third array entry to true)
later you turn to OOP....
Chrisir ;-)