Memory Game Help

Hey, I just have a question having to do with processing. I'm working on a memory game and the hardest problem I am having right now is getting the images to appear. I have a MouseClicked function, however, the picture will change no matter where I hit on the screen. I'm trying to get it so the picture will only change if you press the mouse on the certain area. Here's my code so far:


// Load images and sounds
var img;
var loadImage;
function preload() 
    img = loadImage("bird.jpg");
    img = loadImage("dog.jpg");
    img = loadImage("fox.jpg");
    img = loadImage("cat.jpg");
    img = loadImage("hipp.jpg");
    img = loadImage("quogga.jpg");

// Run once at the start
function setup() {
  var canvas = createCanvas(1000, 800);
  background (100,200,100);

// Run forever after setup

function draw() {
    rect (150,100,100,150);
    rect (350,100,100,150);
    rect (550,100,100,150);
    rect (750,100,100,150);
    rect (150,300,100,150);
    rect (350,300,100,150);
    rect (550,300,100,150);
    rect (750,300,100,150);
    rect (150,500,100,150);
    rect (350,500,100,150);
    rect (550,500,100,150);
    rect (750,500,100,150);


function mouseClicked(){
  loadImage("quogga.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,100,100,150);})
  loadImage("quogga.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,300,100,150);})
  loadImage("dog.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,100,100,150);})
  loadImage("dog.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,500,100,150);})
  loadImage("bird.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,100,100,150);})
  loadImage("bird.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,500,100,150);})
  loadImage("fox.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,300,100,150);})
  loadImage("fox.jpg", function(img) {image(img,750,100,100,150);})
  loadImage("cat.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,500,100,150);})
  loadImage("cat.jpg", function(img) {image(img,350,300,100,150);})
  loadImage("hipp.jpg", function(img) {image(img,150,300,100,150);})
  loadImage("hipp.jpg", function(img) {image(img,550,500,100,150);})

Thanks again in advance!


  • first edit your post: select entire code and hit ctrl-k

    empty lines before and after

  • edited December 2014

    when mousePressed in thisfunction say

    if(mouseX>xvalue && mouseX<xvalue+widthValue &&
       mouseY>yvalue && mouseY<yvalue+heightValue) {

    see examples

  • Chose a category and formatted code for you, but try to do it yourself next time.

  • this is actually more complicate than you might think

    I suggest you read a bit into arrays

    you can store x and y coords of all rects in 2 different parallel arrays

    a third array might tell you if one card is opened (boolean)

    a 4th array might hold the images

    • load all images in setup

    • when displaying the images loop over the arrays, use 3rd to determine whether rect or image is to be shown. When image, use array 4.

    • when mousepressed, for-loop over all arrays and check them, similar to what I did above. When card is found, open it (set third array entry to true)

    later you turn to OOP....

    Chrisir ;-)

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