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Hi, In the first tutorial video, the "code" area where the code example is supposed to be showing and running, is missing. The only thing I see is the guy talking. This doesn't seem to be a browser problem since I tried and it also happens in IE.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Okay, so it seems it happens in the "hello" and "shapes" section, but not in the "color" section, so i guess it's a problem in the website...
Could you file your operating system and browser versions here? https://github.com/scottgarner/Processing-Hour-Of-Code/issues
Hi, Do I need to create a separate account just for that? What do you mean by "file" my operating system? you want me to recreate the same discussion there?
Yes, my apologies. This forum is where we discuss questions about the tutorial and github is the place for "bug reports". By "file" I mean "report" your issue. You would need a separate account there. If this is too much trouble just write the details here and I'll add it to github.
cant see code and display screens in the getting started tutorial
try using another browser or update your browser please
do you mean the video or do you mean getting started?
Because the latter is only text and images: