Inside the Box class I added a line of code to the display() method:
text(body.getLinearVelocity().toString(), 0,0);
This is a example straight out of the Box2D library in Processing. (ApplyForceSimpleWind) I did slow it down a bit, though.
The PDX E mode in Processing is excellent for finding code available within a library.
// The Nature of Code
// <>
// Spring 2011
// Box2DProcessing example
// Basic example of falling rectangles
import shiffman.box2d.*;
import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.*;
import org.jbox2d.common.*;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.*;
// A reference to our box2d world
Box2DProcessing box2d;
// A list we'll use to track fixed objects
ArrayList<Boundary> boundaries;
// A list for all of our rectangles
ArrayList<Box> boxes;
void setup() {
// Initialize box2d physics and create the world
box2d = new Box2DProcessing(this);
// We are setting a custom gravity
box2d.setGravity(0, -20);
// Create ArrayLists
boxes = new ArrayList<Box>();
boundaries = new ArrayList<Boundary>();
// Add a bunch of fixed boundaries
boundaries.add(new Boundary(width/4,height-5,width/2-100,10));
boundaries.add(new Boundary(3*width/4,height-5,width/2-100,10));
boundaries.add(new Boundary(width-5,height/2,10,height));
boundaries.add(new Boundary(5,height/2,10,height));
void draw() {
// We must always step through time!
// When the mouse is clicked, add a new Box object
if (random(1) < 0.01) {
Box p = new Box(random(width),10);
if (mousePressed) {
for (Box b: boxes) {
Vec2 wind = new Vec2(20,0);
// Display all the boundaries
for (Boundary wall: boundaries) {
// Display all the boxes
for (Box b: boxes) {
// Boxes that leave the screen, we delete them
// (note they have to be deleted from both the box2d world and our list
for (int i = boxes.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Box b = boxes.get(i);
if (b.done()) {
text("Click mouse to apply a wind force.",20,20);
class Boundary {
// A boundary is a simple rectangle with x,y,width,and height
float x;
float y;
float w;
float h;
// But we also have to make a body for box2d to know about it
Body b;
Boundary(float x_,float y_, float w_, float h_) {
x = x_;
y = y_;
w = w_;
h = h_;
// Define the polygon
PolygonShape sd = new PolygonShape();
// Figure out the box2d coordinates
float box2dW = box2d.scalarPixelsToWorld(w/2);
float box2dH = box2d.scalarPixelsToWorld(h/2);
// We're just a box
sd.setAsBox(box2dW, box2dH);
// Create the body
BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
bd.type = BodyType.STATIC;
b = box2d.createBody(bd);
// Attached the shape to the body using a Fixture
// Draw the boundary, if it were at an angle we'd have to do something fancier
void display() {
// A rectangular box
class Box {
// We need to keep track of a Body and a width and height
Body body;
float w;
float h;
// Constructor
Box(float x, float y) {
w = random(8, 16);
h = w;
// Add the box to the box2d world
makeBody(new Vec2(x, y), w, h);
// This function removes the particle from the box2d world
void killBody() {
// Is the particle ready for deletion?
boolean done() {
// Let's find the screen position of the particle
Vec2 pos = box2d.getBodyPixelCoord(body);
// Is it off the bottom of the screen?
if (pos.y > height+w*h) {
return true;
return false;
void applyForce(Vec2 force) {
Vec2 pos = body.getWorldCenter();
body.applyForce(force, pos);
// Drawing the box
void display() {
// We look at each body and get its screen position
Vec2 pos = box2d.getBodyPixelCoord(body);
// Get its angle of rotation
float a = body.getAngle();
translate(pos.x, pos.y);
rect(0, 0, w, h);
text(body.getLinearVelocity().toString(), 0,0);
// This function adds the rectangle to the box2d world
void makeBody(Vec2 center, float w_, float h_) {
// Define a polygon (this is what we use for a rectangle)
PolygonShape sd = new PolygonShape();
float box2dW = box2d.scalarPixelsToWorld(w_/2);
float box2dH = box2d.scalarPixelsToWorld(h_/2);
sd.setAsBox(box2dW, box2dH);
// Define a fixture
FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
fd.shape = sd;
// Parameters that affect physics
fd.density = 1;
fd.friction = 0.3;
fd.restitution = 0.2;
// Define the body and make it from the shape
BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
bd.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
bd.angle = random(TWO_PI);
body = box2d.createBody(bd);
You could create a method within the Box class that returns a PVector. In that method you return the value of getLinearVelocity() (which is a PVector).
Something like this (not tested, my need to create a new PVector and assign the desired value):
boxes.get( 'desired instance as int').myVelocity();
Again, this returns a PVector, so will need to use it as such in the code.
Edit: actually getLinearVelocity() returns a Vec2, so replace PVector with Vec2. I'm not sure, but I believe they are them same. That would require some Googling of Vec2.
The additional question is how to get the position of the body at given time. Should there also be function like the "getLinearVelocity()" one, but to tell the position?
I tried
float myLocationX() {
return box2d.getBodyPixelCoord(body).x
Although it works, I am a bit confused about the syntax and the writing of the code, like why we need to write"body" inside the parenthesis for the location one, but not the velocity one? How are these two functions different from one another?
First of all, "Hello !"
You could substract the old position of your body to the current position, the resulting vector will match to the speed of your body
Inside the Box class I added a line of code to the display() method:
text(body.getLinearVelocity().toString(), 0,0);
This is a example straight out of the Box2D library in Processing. (ApplyForceSimpleWind) I did slow it down a bit, though.
The PDX E mode in Processing is excellent for finding code available within a library.
With XYZZY's method, I successfully accessed the velocity in the body tab, but how can I access the velocity in the main tab?
You could create a method within the Box class that returns a PVector. In that method you return the value of getLinearVelocity() (which is a PVector).
Something like this (not tested, my need to create a new PVector and assign the desired value):
To access anywhere in the code, you would call:
Again, this returns a PVector, so will need to use it as such in the code.
Edit: actually getLinearVelocity() returns a Vec2, so replace PVector with Vec2. I'm not sure, but I believe they are them same. That would require some Googling of Vec2.
Here are three tested methods that can be added to the Box class:
The second and third return a float of the x or y velocity.
It works well! Thanks, XXZZY.
The additional question is how to get the position of the body at given time. Should there also be function like the "getLinearVelocity()" one, but to tell the position?
Yes, that can be done:
And you can check X like this:
and Y:
Thanks! But I don't really get what 'desired instance as int' means, and what "boxes" is. Is it the name you give to the body?
But I can understand the last post, because it has a float value returned to a variable that at my current knowledge level understand.
" Vec2 myVelocity() { return body.getLinearVelocity(); }
float myVelocityX() { return body.getLinearVelocity().x; }
float myVelocityY() { return body.getLinearVelocity().y; } "
I was thinking if the "myLocation" can also deliver to a float myLocationX() and myLocationY()?
I tried "float myLocationX() {return getBodyPixelCoord().x", but it is not the correct way of expressing it.
I tried float myLocationX() { return box2d.getBodyPixelCoord(body).x Although it works, I am a bit confused about the syntax and the writing of the code, like why we need to write"body" inside the parenthesis for the location one, but not the velocity one? How are these two functions different from one another?
Thanks great a lot, Buddy!
Hello guys !
Do someone know how to get the current "rotation" of a body ?
Thanks by advance !
(If someone have a working example with a texture linked to a body, it could be great too :D )