Android to bluetooth module connection never starts in the first go

edited November 2014 in Android Mode

Hello processing community! When I run a code based on this 1scale1 example , the sketch compiles and launches on the phone but never makes connection with the bluesmirf silver bluetooth module. I have to restart the sketch twice or thrice or even longer to build a connection. Also can I start this sketch without seeing an error "unfortunately the sketch stopped" and rather getting an option to turn my bluetooth on when I haven't turned it on.

 * SweetBlue - Analog Read
 * by Andreas Göransson. 
 * This sketch connects to ArduinoBT and rotates a rectangle on the
 * processing sketch depending on the value read from an analog
 * sensor on the ArduinoBT. Rotation is between 0 and 45 degrees.
 * Note: Make sure to enable the BLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Sketch
 * Permissions.

import se.onescaleone.sweetblue.*;

/* Library obj. */
SweetBlue bt;

/* Related to the communication */
boolean initiated = false;
long timer = 0;
long timerdelay = 100; // minimum amount of milliseconds between each reading

/* Pin where the sensor is connected */
int PIN = 0;

/* Variable to store read-values in (it has to be int array!) */
int[] val = new int[1];

void setup() {
  /* Connect to the ArduinoBT */
  if ( bt == null ) {
    bt = new SweetBlue( this );
    bt.connect("00:06:66:66:35:88"); // bluesmirf mac address

  /* Lock PORTRAIT view */
  orientation( PORTRAIT );

  /* Simplifies position and rotation */
 rectMode( CENTER );

  /* Enable debug messages? */
  //SweetBlue.DEBUG = true;

  timer = millis();

void draw() {

  if ( bt.isConnected() && !initiated ) {
    /* Once the board has established a connection, set the pin modes... */
    bt.pinMode( PIN, SweetBlue.INPUT );
    /* ...but only do it once! */
    initiated = true;

  /* Draw background */

  /* Draw interface */
    translate( displayWidth/2, displayHeight/2 );
    rotate( map(val[0], 0, 1023, HALF_PI / 2, 0) );
    fill( 255, 0, 0 );
    rect( 0, 0, 400, 400 );

  /* Read value from ArduinoBT every "timerdelay" milliseconds */
  if ( bt.isConnected() && (millis() - timer >= timerdelay) ) {
    /* Read the digital pin, PIN, from the bluetooth board */
    bt.analogRead( PIN, val );
    /* Reset the timer */
    timer = millis();

/* When processing stops, send the disconnect command to ArduinoBT */
void stop() {
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