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I looked around for information on how to create keyPress's with the robot library, and found nothing except for how to move the mouse. SO i started playing around with it and i got something to work:
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Robot;
Robot robot;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
try {
robot = new Robot();
catch (AWTException e) {
the int that goes after the keyPress determines what key is pressed, and i tried a bunch. so here you go: if i type "???" then that means that it is not an invalid keyPress, I just dont know what it does. so here we go..
1,2 = invalid
3 = ???
4-7 = invalid
8 = backspace
9 = tab
10 = return
11-15 = invalid
16 = shift
17 = ctrl
18-20 = ???
21-26 = invalid
27-29 = ???
30,31 = invalid
32 = space
33 = pgUP
34 = pgDN
35,36 = ???
37 = left arrow
38 = up arrow
39 = right arrow
40 = down arrow
41-43 = invalid
44 = ,
45 = -
46 = .
47 = /
48 - 57 = 0 - 9
58 = invalid
59 = ;
60 = invalid
61 = =
62 - 64 = invalid
65 - 91 = a - z
92 = \
93 = ]
94,95 = invalid
96 - 105 = 0 - 9
106 = *
107 = +
108 = ???
109 = -
110 = .
111 = /
112 - 116 = ???
i didn't go on any further because i got everything i was after, but i imagine it continues because there are still some characters missing.
my question is, how do i send these keypresses to a specific outside program? thanks!
You better learn about what is an ASCII code:
You should only concern about which key sub-groups you need to check out and discard the rest!
AFAIK, you send the key presses to the window that has the system focus... You can click on it to give it the focus.
Otherwise, specialized automation tools, like AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Sikuli, etc. are better suited for complex operations like sending keys to an arbitrary window.